Phil Larson RN, BSN, CCRN struggled with obesity his entire life until fall of 2000. Morbidly obese and suffering from pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, gastroesophageal reflux, high cholesterol, and depression, his research led him to crucial physiologic keys for unlocking his body's ability to zap fat and feel great. Five years, hundreds of books and scientific articles, work with thousands of obese patients, and hundreds of pages of personal diet journals later, The ANTI-Diet was created. A hundred more urgings to "write a book Phil" from professional colleagues, patients, and families over the next couple years led him to write the book.
Phil's mission is to educate and inspire millions of people in a compelling way to make positive wellness choices that will eliminate their obesity and help motivate them to pass it along to others thereby creating a complete cultural shift in the way American's view diet and exercise.
"You can do this. I will show you how. Your journey begins now!"........Phil Larson
Inquire about personalized wellness and weight loss coaching by emailing
"You can do this. I will show you how. Your journey begins now!"......Phil Larson
"Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued"..............Socrates
"Let thy food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food."......Hippocrates
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals."........Henry Ford
"Fear from the past can make cowards of us all."................Phil Larson
"An easy-to-understand and follow program. It works. If you suffer from chronic obesity, fatigue, or are at risk for diabetes or heart disease I strongly urge you to but this book." Steve Peterson, MD, FACS from the foreword of "The ANTI-Diet".
"Written with passion and a truly unique insight...this remarkably well researched, simple, and effective book will change your life!".........Joy Clark, RN, MSN, FNP Board Certified Advanced Diabetes Management Specialist from the foreword of "The ANTI-Diet"
"You can only fail if you quit."..................Phil Larson