Former NASA Rocket-Designer, Peter “the Time Man” Turla, is a world-renowned time management expert. Among the strategies he shares with people are simple rocket-science principles to boost their personal productivity.You'll discover how to work smarter-not harder to get more done with less effort and still have time for a personal life. His exciting, innovative time-management tips have been featured in dozens of publications including the New York Times, Industry Week, The London World News and USA Today. Among the strategies he shares with people are simple rocket-science principles to boost their personal productivity. You'll discover how to work smarter-not harder to get more done with less effort and still have ti
“It’s better to do the right thing slowly than the wrong thing quickly.” – Peter Turla “Don’t dust your knickknacks if your kitchen counters are still dirty.” – Peter Turla “Living your life without a plan is like watching television with someone else holding the remote control.” – Peter Turla “Managing multiple projects is like being the parent of a large family that you have to feed. Each aspect of your job can be like another child that needs nurturing. You can’t neglect any one of the ‘children’ and expect to have a healthy family.” – Peter Turla “Time is money.” – Benjamin Franklin “You delay, but time will not.” – Benjamin Franklin “Time lost is never found again.” – Benjamin Franklin "A stitch in time saves nine." - Benjamin Franklin “Don’t be stomping on ants when you have elephants to feed.” – Peter Turla
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