Based in Manchester, UK, Peter Dickinson is an experienced director, business coach, strategic facilitator, interim, digital media expert, marketeer, ICT strategy and management, customer services champion, project manager, change management consultant and advisor and has worked with over 250 companies helping develop a systematic approach to growing their businesses.
Working with companies as a business coach and interim, Peter Dickinson will help crystallise the vision, rationalise strategy, identify the most cost effective routes to market including the development of new products, develop a consistent sales approach, champion customer service, streamline processes and identify key performance indicators to help drive the business to meet the goals of the main stakeholders.
As an IT Chartered Professional and having an MBA(Open) Peter Dickinson will help you develop a coherent digital strategy to help you review your customer touch points, increase sales making it easier for the customer to do business with you, improve the customer experience through enabling them to do more for themselves and drive down costs.
Contact Peter Dickinson at if you would like a business director/coach/interim who can help you increase your sales and profit.
Director, business coach, facilitator, TV expert, interim, non-exec role, strategy, digital media, marketing, project & change management, customer services, sales, ICT, product realisation, process mapping, flow, group problem solving.
Peter Dickinson is a co-author of 5 pocket sized practical business books. See for more details.
Do It Now - Procastination is the enemy of growing your business!
High Growth Business Coach | Facilitator see:
Free business resources including video tips:
Free Profit Boot Camp Videos on how to grow your profits:
Enterprise Education and Work Related Learning Materials: