Pete Cohen has a personality and skill thatcan changepeople’s lives.
Drawing on his talent as a life strategist,lifecoach, human behaviourist, health and fitness professional,motivationalspeaker, business consultant and best selling author, Pete has notonlyestablished himself firmly as one of the top names in the personaldevelopmentfield, but is also fast becoming a top name in broadcastingandpublishing.
Pete has become a leading personality onscreen. Withhis enthusiasm, sense of humour and compassion he brilliantlycommunicates notonly with his clients, but also with a widespread audiencethrough thecamera.
Pete is well know as the Weight LossGuru with his missionto liberate and free people from the constant battle oftrying tolose weight and being on a merry ground of dieting.
What does the GURU do;
Pete has many followers and people travel from far andwide to hear his teachings and wisdom and discover their own individual path tosuccess. For many years the GURU has run classes, workshopsand seminars butnow you do not even have to leave your front door to get whatyou need from theGURU.
Pete has his own blog where he imparts free daily inspiration in the key areas of weight loss, including nutrition,exercise and motivation, and positivity.
He gives the tools to permenat weight loss;
1. Believe in yourself
2. Be open to change
3. Conquer your fear
4. Know how to break habits
5. Get support
6. Feel good about what you are doing
7. Take personal responsibility
8. Understand exercise - see it with a freshpair ofeyes
9. Break down the journey into manageable chunks
A few years ago saw Pete recognised andrespected internationally through defining the ‘formula’ for Happiness, whichlead to theenormous success of the Happiness Campaign, which ran in conjunctionwith Thomson Holidays. Appearances in person, on the radio and on televisionhave set thepublic alight, with requests coming from 26 countries around theworld including Brazil and Canada and Korea.
In addition to his TV work, Pete is highly respectedin the world of sport and is the peak performance coach to numerousworld-classsports people.
Pete is highly qualified in many different areas of psychology, personnel development and health and fitness. He has an incredible understanding of people and the limitations they have whichpreventthem from living more productive and happy lives. His fun motivationaltechniques and strategies are used in a way so that people can control theirownwell being and realise their full potential.
As a popular motivational speaker, Petepresentstalks, workshops and seminars to individuals as well as to thecorporate marketto companies such as IBM, Pfizer, Northern Rock, BAA and ThomasCook. Hisinteractive and inspiring sessions motivate those interested inthe ‘Art ofWinning’. Pete is also now a regular media spokesperson forhigh profileprojects such as Weetabix, the Job Centre Re-launch andothers
As founder of the recent Habit Busting, FearBustingand Lighten Up Weight Loss programmes, Pete has also been recognised asasuccessful author of eleven books that enable people to read and work withPeteto lose weight, beat habits and boost self-esteem.
Pete’s latest book is Sort Your Life Out, which offerscoaching to people who want practical solutions to everyday problems,including; breakinghabits, conquering fears, improving relationships, boosting health and fitness and weight loss as well as changing career and improvingfinances.