Paul Hood is a Licensed Professional Counselor, practicing in Evergreen and Bailey, Colorado as Mountain Spirit Counseling, LLC. He has been counseling alcoholics and addicts since 1983 and was formerly an Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor (lapsed) and a member of the Board of Directors of the California Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors. He holds a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology with a specialty in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling. He has been working with the families of addicted people since 1987. He is a former member of the Marin County Dual Diagnosis Task Force and has worked with individuals with co-occurring chemical dependency and mental disorders since 1987. He continues to do alcohol and drug primary Intensive Outpatient Treatment, part-time, with the Valley Hope Foundation in Centennial and Westminster, Colorado in addition to his private practice.
Paul also has attended and continues to attend many hours of continuing education and worked to stay current in the fields of Substance Abuse, Psychotherapy, and Marriage/Family/Relationship Counseling. He is qualified for substance abuse and psychological assessment. He has special expertise in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), particularly in adolescents and adults, Bipolar Disorder, Personality Disorders, Anxiety Disorders (including PTSD) and Depression. He is trained in a broad spectrum of counseling and psychotherapy techniques, and is currently training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.
Paul is, himself, a recovering alcoholic (with some history of marijuana and LSD abuse), clean and sober (and in active 12 Step Recovery) since 1982. These and other life/growth/educational experiences have led him to including the spiritual in his professional work. He teaches relaxation techniques, mindfulness techniques, practices guided imagery, guided meditation, and Integrative Body Psychotherapy. He works with people of any faith, religion or spiritual path. For many years he has used a non-judgmental approach and believes in meeting people where they are, rather than taking an expert stance and trying to get people to where he is. He is informed by an undergraduate degree in Anthropology, his own ongoing 12 Step recovery, many years of life experience and his own ongoing personal and spiritual journey.
Paul Hood, MS, LPC and Mountain Spirit Counseling:
Phone: 303-838-8169
Address: P.O. Box 700
Bailey, CO 80421
Evergreen Office Address:
Evergreen South Office Building
6949 Highway 73, Suite 211
Evergreen, CO 80121
(Not a mailing address)
Bailey Office: By appointment