With thousands ofentrepreneurs entering the workforce everyday, the need to stand up and beheard has never been more critical.
Knowing how to genuinely deliver intentions from the heartor effectively promote a business in a natural and lively manner is the essenceof outstanding communication. The old way of presenting hyped-up promises turnsmost people off. The sage from the stage has turned into the guide from theside. The speaker who can relate and connect is the one who will earn thebusiness.
Pamela Ziemann has skillfully shared her vast knowledge andexpertise through an easy-to-learn program of interactive exercises for overten years. She guides people witha combined temporal and spiritual approach that focuses on the space betweenwords. She has an uncanny way of playfully daring each person to reveal his orher natural brilliance. Her clients become powerfully present and naturallyfearless right from the very first session.
Growing up, she was incredibly perceptive. That was the goodnews and the bad news. Yes, she was a keen observer, but also had a very hardtime expressing her insights. Feeling frustrated and isolated well intoadulthood, she was determined to turn her life around.
She spent over a decade on a personal and spiritual quest,traveling and living in other parts of the world. It was there she found her answer and it proved to bedeceptively simple. Connecting with others is where it’s at.
Pamela decided to create a judgment-free space that welcomesindividuality and brings out everyone’s creative genius. Pamela also realizedthat the true risk-takers are small business people and entrepreneurs who puteverything on the line to stand up and be counted. She refocused her life’s purpose to facilitate fullself-expression to these extraordinary people.
Pamela is an international speaker, trainer and coach whohas changed countless lives with her dedication and love for the free spirit.
Here is a portion of her remarkable life experiences whichshe draws upon daily for inspiration:
Explorer of Nature and Animal Lover 1958-1976
B.S. Business Administration, Mankato State University,Mankato, MN 1976-1980
American Mutual Life, Residential Funding, MGIC,underwriter 1980-1985
Ziemann Appraisal Company, Owner and Operator 1985-1997
Jumping off cliffs, skydiving, hang-gliding, skiing, hot-airballooning &
other extreme sports to feel present and alive 1988 - 1993
Spiritual Sabbatical in Bandung, Indonesia 1993-1994
Licensed to deliver The Avatar Course® 1996-Present
Toastmasters International, earned Supreme Poobah ofspeaking (DTM)1997-2001
Published author articles in 5 languages 1997-Present
Peak Potentials, graduate of the advanced courses 1998-2000
Speaking Circles International, graduate andfacilitator 2001-2003
Mentored by three of the top speaking coaches in theUSA 2001-2005
Member of the National Speakers Association 2001-2003
Communication Skills Facilitator for 2 leading publicseminar companies 2004-2009
Studied 5-Rhythm Dance with Gabrielle Roth in New York Summer of‘06
Learned Sam Keen’s Art of Flying with the Trapeze, OmegaInstitute Summer of ‘06
Online Speaking School, LLC. CEO 2008-Present
In love with the natural world and creative expression Forever
®Avatar is a registeredtrademark of Star’s Edge International. All rights reserves.