I am an artist, a teacher and a practitioner in Advanced Consciousness Science who is delightfully embracing my spiritual journey and joyfully living in the Present! I have my certification in Advanced Consciousness Science and am inspired to put what I have learned to good use by helping other wonderful souls as they journey on their own personal path to enlightment! My experience with a most remarkable technology called PATHS (Program Authoring The Human Subconscious) has assisted me and many others in reprogramming my subconscious and rapidly eliminating those limited beliefs and has changed my life in the most profound way! Once I experienced PATHS for myself way back in January of 2007, I was so astonished at its effectiveness that I became involved with the company and now I find great joy and fulfillment in assisting my clients as they experience the rapid benefits of the technolgy for themselves! Using the PATHS technology has greatly enhanced my life in more ways than I can possibly describe and I feel deeply blessed to have attracted this technology into my life! You can have a look at the PATHS website by visiting www.pathstopowerfulpotential.com and find out what other people are saying about it by visiting www.energeticforum.com/paths/
About the PATHS RTD Technology
The PATHS Rapid Data Transfer (RDT) technology works by sending, through a Theatre Presentation, over six million instructions into the subconscious mind within a few minutes per module. These instructions, or affirmations, are not written in a verbal language, nor are they delivered in recognizable audio or visible images. Since the instructions are delivered in this fashion directly to the subconscious mind, the conscious mind is not aware of what is being communicated and therefore, does not have the ability to fight or resist this new information which, once saturated by the subconscious mind, surface to the conscious thinking mind a little at a time and thus gets past self-defeating thoughts and habits. Simply put, the PATHS technology reprograms the subconscious mind which enables an individual to reach their goals and desires.
A tremendous breakthrough in the area of subconscious life enhancement, R.D.T. or Rapid Data Transfer allows high speed communication with the human subconscious.
Specialists who attempt to develop self-help systems, and behavioral enhancement solutions have long underestimated the hyper retention and sorting capabilities of the subconscious mind. The subconscious can process 40 million bits of information per second, while the conscious mind can only process 40 bits per second. While the effectiveness of subliminal suggestion is well documented, R.D.T capable technologies are light years ahead, actually having the ability to enhance a person by delivering millions of instructions to their subconscious in short periods of time. The result is a safe and selectable system that features enhancements controlled by the end user on both a conscious and subconscious level.
The acuteness of ones retentive subconscious ability directly contributes to the experience each subject has, for example it was found that from the beginning most subjects described feelings of being overloaded and experienced mental fatigue. Symptoms were relieved with a combination of supplements such as the amino acid rich Spirulina and regular multi vitamins.
In short, each individual experience will vary and the level of results ultimately relies on the user. PATHS RDT technology cannot change ones beliefs, or any other aspect of them without, their intent and conscious consent.
The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the power of all true science.
~ Albert Einstein
To gain a deeper understanding of this amazing technology and how it works, please visit www.pathstopowerfulpotential.com for a complete overview.
To see what other people are saying about their experiences with PATHS, please visit www.energeticforum.com/paths/
For more information about PATHS, please contact me at pamela@pamelasweda.com