Hello! I’m Niara Terela, writer, artist and certified body-centered life coach. I am also an experiencer and researcher all aspects of extraterrestrial phenomenon, from government cover-ups, to spiritual expansion of consciousness. I was born in California and have lived many places… I now make my home in southwestern Colorado in the high desert at the edge of the San Juan mountains.
It’s my sincere wish to help others deal with their extraordinary or traumatic experiences related to the extraterrestrial phenomenon, to help them integrate these paradigm-shifting events into their lives. I know personally what this is like and what it takes to recover and heal. It’s vital that we are not simply survivors, but thrivers, with awakened consciousness and expanded awareness, true self-determining freedom and co-creative responsibility.
My new book
"Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light: A Journey of Spirit Retrieval and Awakening"
is now available! Please scroll down this page to "Niara Terela Isley Books" to order your copy!
Thank you for visiting Encounters With Healing.
My book is finally complete on online for purchase! Please check my products page for the link to buy your copy.
Doing a Google search on my name, Niara Terela Isley or Niara Isley will bring up many links to various interviews, both video and audio. In addition, I have archived articles at the Denver Examiner as the Denver Extraterrestrial Contact Examiner (see link above) and other postings at http://encounterswithhealing.com and at www.facingtheshadowembracingthelight.com.
“… The truth apparently is simply this - that we’re not alone, we’ve never been alone. We are apparently part of an infinite universe filled with intelligent life. I find that exciting. That doesn’t frighten me… if they…were malevolent or hostile… they could have taken this planet and cleaned it up, eliminated us, turned us into dog food or whatever, a long, long time ago. … the historical evidence indicates that they’ve been with us a long time… I believe that this reality, once we have accepted it, and understood it, and gone beyond the fear, will bring about an expansion of consciousness in the human race that will truly help us and prepare us to go out there and take our rightful place in that infinite community of life.”
~ Retired Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean
Continue reading on Examiner.com What do UFOs and extraterrestrials have to do with life in the real world? - Denver Extraterrestrial Contact | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/extraterrestrial-contact-in-denver/what-do-ufos-and-extraterrestrials-have-to-do-with-life-the-real-world#ixzz1O8we9klG
Why Encounters with Healing?
Hi, I’m Niara Terela Isley.
Huge and growing volumes of written, audio, and video data point to the fact that there is indeed intelligent life in the Universe and it is visiting our Earth. Thousands of people have been caught up in this phenomenon, have had various kinds of “encounters”, and have to deal with the aftermath of such contact. The campaign of ridicule and denial that has been put in circulation by those who wish to cover up this contact has made it very difficult for those of us who have experienced this phenomenon and/or have had direct contact. Healing from the trauma that can be associated with such contact is doubly hard when the powers that be deny it exists at all, and it happens so far outside our normal, human everyday reality as well. Even positive extraterrestrial experiences can shatter one’s normal reality paradigm and leave them with a strong need for support in reorganizing their reality. Some people avoid asking for help for months or years, in avoidance of accepting the new reality.
I have personal experience in extraterrestrial contact and have done significant healing around this issue. I now consider all my experiences a gift and a view to a new and emerging paradigm for Earth and humanity.
If you have experienced contact or abduction with extraterrestrials, military abductions or you were or are in the military and were or are involved with extraterrestrial phenomenon and want to begin to heal from and frame your experiences in a more healthy and empowering way for yourself, please contact me at movebreathe@gmail.com.
I feel that the outer world we see is a reflection of inner selves, and not just individually, but collectively as the entire human species. A certain number of the human collective must heal, grow, expand and evolve in consciousness, facing our inner shadows, embracing our inner light for humanity as a whole to catch the fire of expanding consciousness and create the new world of peace, love, cooperation and sustainability that so many of us want. One of the missing pieces in the law of attraction is taking into account that each of us is part of the larger human collective, and we are all interconnected.
Contact for healing body-centered coaching:
I can be contacted for introductory consultation or questions about body-centered coaching at movebreathe@gmail.com.
Contact for general questions & information exchange on extraterrestrial topics:
For other general questions about extraterrestrial phenomenon, government-military-industrial cover-ups, mind control information or information exchange on these topics, please contact me at gaiatribe.niara@gmail.com.