NEIL TEPPER --- “The Creativity Doctor”
Neil Tepper has been called a “creative bridge”.
As a creative director for The Coca-Cola Company, Universal Television and the 1996 Olympic Games, he was celebrated for bringing creativity into the corporate culture. The CEO of Coke called him “the creative glue.”
In Neil’s own creative work as an author, TV producer, radio show host, speaker, songwriter, and award-winning photographer, he brings a practical sensibility to the creative process.
With a degree in psychology, years of spiritual practice and as a certified executive and personal coach, Neil bridges the divide between the left-brain, everyday world of information and the right-brain, free-flowing world of creativity and inspiration. He is fond of saying, “Creativity: It’s not just for artists anymore.”
As “The Creativity Doctor,” Neil develops products to help people find a bridge to their own power to live a richer, more accomplished and meaningful life. He offers many of these products on his Website (
Neil has just released his new book, “Prescriptions for Living a Creative Life: Simple Remedies for Common Maladies in Our 24/7 World.” It is available on
“The Creativity Circle”™ - A revolutionary and powerful program that combines …
To learn more visit
Also be sure to browse through Neil's online photo gallery, as well as some other "Cool Stuff" ... things just for fun!
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Address:1198 Kaeleku St.
Honolulu, HI 96825