As a small child, Nedda Wittels felt the emotions of animals empathically. She often knew what the family pets wanted. Her parents told her she was just pretending, so she stopped telling others what she experienced.
Although Nedda received her BA from Cornell University and has masters degrees from SUNY at New Paltz and NYU, she rejected the position of Behavioral Psychologists, that animals are a collection of conditioned responses without emotions. She could not deny her own inner truth.
In the early 1990's, Nedda read Animal Talk, by Penelope Smith. This propelled her to a new level of consciousness about animals: animals are sentient beings - intelligent and self-aware - with their own unique perspectives and life purposes. This understanding is the basis for Nedda's professional work today.
Since 1994, Nedda has given private consultations for thousands of animals of many species, including horses, cats, dogs, lamas, iguanas, cockatiels, parrots, and a pet tarantula. Distance is no obstacle. Telepathic communication is instantaneous even if the animal is living half-way around the planet.
Nedda discovered her healing abilities by learning ways to help her horse, Echo, as she aged. Having a clear intention and being open to the possibilities, even when it defies logic, may bring about dramatic improvements in health and emotional well-being in a very short time.
In 1999, Nedda took her first workshop in Shamballa Multidimensional Healing. By the end of the class, she felt that, for the first time, she had fully connected with her healing abilities.
Shamballa is a program of Spiritual Ascension and Empowerment. It inspired Nedda to begin helping others who are also awakening.
As you integrate the higher vibrational frequencies available on Earth today, you may experience many challenges. You will also begin to remember your life purpose and spiritual connections. Nedda provides assistance while supporting your emerging sense of Self and higher consciousness.
"We are moving into Unity Consciousness as a way of life on Planet Earth. Let us join together to create the world we truly want to experience."
You cannot go higher vibrationally than the teacher (or guru) you are working with. Therefore, always choose as a teacher someone who continuously is expanding her consciousness and doing the work on herself required for her own growth.
You are already a Master. All you have to do is wake up and remember who you are.
Be careful how you complete any sentence that begins with the words "I am . . . ." As you speak those words, you are creating - manifesting - whatever you say.
Intuition is more powerful than logic.
The mind is a tool and its uses are limited. Instead, rely on the inner wisdom of your Heart and your Soul to make decisions about your life.
In every challenging situation, there is a "seed of equivalent benefit." If you focus your thoughts, energy, and emotion on that seed, it will grow into a beautiful flower and spread it's power throughout your life.
Choose kindness over rightness.
Our physical body is a community of cells working together in harmony for a common goal - our health and well being. What would happen if humanity modeled its behavior on that principle?
Faith manages.
We cannot be secure when we give up our freedom.
In an Animal Communication Session, Nedda offers compassionate and loving assistance as she helps people and their animal companions gain insight and understanding into situations that are challenging them. Through telepathic communication with animals, Nedda provides each person and animal with an opportunity to
In a Spiritual Empowerment Session, Nedda offers compassionate and loving support to an individual who may be feeling stuck, overwhelmed, confused, and/or afraid as she leads them into a space inside themselves where they can make new choices supported by their I Am Presence. Nedda provides a safe space where you can
These sessions are available for human and for animals.
In a Distance Healing Session, Nedda facilitates energy healing at all levels of your being (or that of your animal) according to the will of your I Am Presence, which is the Divine Spark or highest aspect that is the true you. All healing work is performed by Beings of Light working as a team with Nedda. The team can include, but may not be limited to your I Am Presence, your Body Elemental, Pan, the Overlighting Deva of Healing, Master Healers who are specialists in whatever area/issue is appropriate, Archangels and angels, Arcturan Healers, and members of the Shamballa Healing Institute located in the higher plans in the city of Shamballa. Specific techniques may be used from known systems, such as hands-on-healing, cranial/sacral therapy, Tellington Touch, and Shamballa Multidimensional Healing. Entity and attachment removal can also be achieved during this type of session. Benefits include
To schedule a session with Nedda, please telephone: 860 - 651 - 5771
International clients can make appointments by email:
Visit Nedda's website: Rays of Healing Light
Visit Nedda's blogsite: Nedda's Blog