Michael Losier (Low-zee-eh) lives in beautiful Victoria BC, on Canada’s west coast.
He is the author of the best selling book: Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t .
Michael has certified over 1000 TeleLeaders as a former trainer with TeleClass International, Inc., where students learn unique skills on how to facilitate and teach students via the telephone.
Through teaching his own classes at Teleclass International, he attracted thousands of seekers wanting to know more about the Law of Attraction. Soon, Michael became a prominent teacher in this field.
In 2003, after delivering over 700 hours of ‘Teleclasses’, and hundreds of one on one Law of Attraction coaching sessions, Michael combined his Law of Attraction teaching experience with his knowledge of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).The end result was a self-published book, Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t, which went on to sell over a quarter of a million copies. Michael’s book is now being published in 28 languages around the world..
Enjoying the success of the movie The Secret, Michael’s business flourished as many fans of The Secret wondered how to apply the Law of Attraction. Michael was quickly branded as the ‘How-to’ guy for Law of Attraction.
Michael caught the attention of Oprah Winfrey and was subsequently interviewed four times on her radio show Oprah and Friends on XM radio. Michael is now a regular contributor to the Oprah and Friends Show and now has his own show called, The Law of Attraction Radio Show with Michael Losier.
Michael is currently conducting seminars world wide and is working on his second, yet unnamed book, focusing on Law of Attraction, Relationship and NLP.
Finally, there is a new training option that will catapult proficient Law of Attraction facilitators into a world of international acclaim, high-paying revenue generation and client retaining practices.
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This simple, easy-to-use book is full of tips, tools, exercises and scripts to help you use the Law of Attraction deliberately.
Michael Losier (Low-zee-eh) lives in beautiful Victoria BC, on Canada’s west coast.He is the author of the best selling book: Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t .Michael has been teaching Law of Attraction since 1996, when he had audiences of three people. His self published book became a word-of-mouth success and sold ¼ million copies since its release in 2003. His book has now been translated into 21 languages and has been reaching the best seller lists in many countries, including Brazil, Ireland, UK, Japan and Spain. The world-wide release of the movie The Secret, spurred hundreds and hundreds of hungry Law of Attraction seekers, to seek out more information about the Law of Attraction. Michael’s business flourished as many fans of The Secret wondered how to apply the Law of Attraction to their daily lives. Michael was quickly branded as the ‘How-to’ guy for Law of Attraction and his book sales soared!In 2007, Michael caught the attention of Oprah Winfrey and was subsequently interviewed 4 times on her radio show Oprah & Friends on XM satellite radio. Michael is now a regular contributor and has his own weekly radio show on Oprah & Friends(R) called: The Law of Attraction Radio Show with Michael Losier.
teaching Law
Dianne Savoy
Law of Attraction
Victoria, BCPhone: 877-642-7820
Website: http://www.lawofattractionbook.com