Mike Friesen is a leadership and personal development coach with Leading Strategies, www.LeadingStrategies.net. Mike is a retired military officer, fighter pilot, former CFO, and holds a M.B.A. He is also the author of "Expected End: What Culture Is, Why It Matters, and How to Improve It." Mike offers 3 FREE gifts for personal development at www.LSdevelop.com and you are welcome to follow Leading Strategies on Twitter at @LSTeams.
"The enemy of great is good." Jim Collins
"People are people regardless of the type of organization." Michael Friesen
"You do not improve a building by putting out fires." Dr. Deming
"Principles are essential but mindset change comes first on the journey of leadership." Michael Friesen
1. Claim Your 3 FREE Gifts At www.LSdevelop.com.
2. Browse www.LeadingStrategies.net.
3. Follow @LSTeams on twitter.
4. Read the book, "Expected End" available HERE or at your local library