I have been a college professor, business owner, lawyer, published author and now ordained Reverend with International Metaphysical Ministry. A series of profound mystical experiences have led me here. I know I am supposed to do this work.
My work is inspired by A Course in Miracles (ACIM), which reaffirms the teachings of Jesus. In particular, it asserts that He meant it when he preached love, forgiveness, and non-judgment. Indeed, part of our healing journey together will be to have you begin to apply these teachings to yourself and your own life. When Jesus calls upon us to love our neighbor as ourselves, He implies the necessity of self-love. We are all the specific and unique creation of God. This is where spiritual healing begins. And all dis-ease has spiritual origin.
I have worked with virtually every ailment, trauma and condition from cancer to post-traumatic stress syndrome to surgeries to anxiety to chronic pain to premenstrual syndrome to fear to sexual abuse to insomnia to headaches to scar tissue to stroke to head injuries to heartbreak to stress to you can name it. One cannot long continue in this work unless it helps, and I have been blessed to be involved in so much success. I have seen cancer remission, chemo-therapy patients with zero side-effects, stroke victims regain all arm movement, surgeries cancelled, chronic pain disappear, traumas dissolve, burdens lifted, scar tissue melt, migraines disappear, stress dissipate, and peace return. Permanent healing is your birthright. My results are guaranteed.
I make this outlandish claim based on my past history. If you do not experience significant relief from the issues troubling you, I will do an additional session for free; this rarely occurs. You can expect full resolution of your issues. But understand you have a role in your own healing and must take responsibility for accepting and integrating these gifts. We all have a primary part in creating our challenges, as well as in healing them. I am simply the facilitator to your self-healing, with the added benefit that the Holy Spirit guides me.
“There is no order of difficulty in miracles. Miracles are natural. When they do not occur something has gone wrong.” ACIM
I am not a medical doctor and only provide spiritual healing.