When I was 22 and I began teaching people who are afraid in water to be confident and to swim, it was clear to me that if I'd learned to swim, so could they. I just needed to learn the steps I had taken, steps I was oblivious to since I'd learned so easily. What I found were steps so tiny, so simple but so invisible that not only was I oblivious to them but everyone else was, too.
The steps are steps one takes as a spirit, not as a physical being. They're inner steps, which enable physical steps. Then another inner step: then another physical step. They're simple, fun, and enormously empowering and healing. Why didn't someone find this before?
It took me 19 years to overcome my fear of writing it down! The knowledge is universal, but since my venue is swimming, I wrote it in a book to help people conquer their fear of water. Now I teach it nationally and train instructors to teach it internationally.
That's the meat of my bio. The rest is just details! Competitive swimmer from age 7 to present (49 years), gold medals but not at the Olympics, masters degree in education/exercise science, wrote a book, produced a dvd, and created/hosted The Learn To Swim Show for 13 weeks on internet radio. I have had an adult swim school for 29 years in Sarasota, FL, and Berkeley, CA, live in Sarasota, FL, swim 5 days a week on a masters team, developed a new online swim instructor training, etc., etc.
Thirteen world-changing episodes of The Learn to Swim Show, WorldTalkRadio.com:
Listen to the series to understand what's missing from swimming instruction today and what needs to happen to end drowning worldwide. Traditional swimming instruction has been great for half the population: no complaints! HOWEVER the other half of the population needs the information in this radio show. Or, they will never be safe in water.
You can't learn to swim if you're not comfortable in water.
Swimming means oneness with the water, not just strokes.
If you start at the beginning and skip no steps, you can't possibly fail.
Drowning is preventable and could be zero, worldwide.
Learning is a spiritual event.
To learn to swim, you must be in control. Since so many people are not in control in the water, especially deep water, they haven't been able to learn to swim. The fix is extraordinarily simple and fun.
The best way to learn about my work is by reading www.conquerfear.com or my book, Conquer Your Fear of Water.
941-921-6420, Miracle Swimming Institute
info@conquerfear.com (for inquiries, not for marketing email)