I have always wanted to change things: to upgrade them into something better. That’s why I originally chose life coaching as a career: to help people upgrade the parts of their lives they didn’t like into something they preferred.
I Was A Frustrated Life Coach
For years I have tried many different ways to empower my clients so that they wouldn’t be dependent on me or my services in order to create the life they love.
I’ve tried:
Even with all my efforts to upgrade it, the coaching model is inherently broken for the type of change I would like to offer to you and to our world.
A New Model For Upgrading Your Life
Thankfully, there IS a new model for upgrading your life that makes dependency-based models (like coaching) obsolete.
The Avatar® Courses are all of the materials, tools, structures, and community I wish for you and our world.
Avatar was elegantly designed by Harry Palmer in the late 1980’s and is sacredly delivered by a harmoniously orchestrated network of licensed Avatar Masters.
The first course, The Avatar Course, is 9 days of exercises that baby step you from wherever you are in your life to an enlightened state of knowing yourself as a Source Being, able to create and discreate with ease.
Here are some of the “consciousness muscles” you develop in the 9-day course:
When you have the experiences from the Avatar Course and use the Avatar tools in your daily life, you no longer require a life coach.
You may still choose to use other tools you enjoy (like meditation, visioning, etc), but you will be using them as a fully empowered Avatar, confidently capable of deciding your direction in life. (and frankly, I go to my Avatar tools first and rarely desire anything else).
Closing Doors and Opening Windows
So that’s it: I’ve closed the doors to my Catalize Life Coaching business. It’s been an amazing 15 years of growth for myself and my clients.
For the growth to continue, it’s time for something new. It’s time to open the windows of opportunity and allow the space for all of us to fly free, fully empowered, creating our lives and our world as we like it.
If you want to change your life, to upgrade some or all of it, then I encourage you to come explore your possibilities through the Avatar Course. You can learn more about it and my journey with Avatar here: AvatarExplorers.com
Open the window, take a whiff of the fresh air, and come develop your wings so you can soar on a journey of your own creating.
I am right here with you.
I invite you to a free experiential introduction to the Avatar® Course to learn tools for living deliberately you can use in your life right now.
Free introductions are one hour by phone or skype. During your introductory session you will get to explore the Avatar materials and some key components for living deliberately.
Sign up for your free introduction or learn more here: http://avatarexplorers.com/intro.html
Avatar® is a registered trademark of Star's Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
cell: 214-717-3321
http://www.AvatarExplorers.com (The Avatar® Course and Living Deliberately!)
http://www.LovingSuperfoods.com (Raw Superfoods online ordering and guidance)
http://www.SelfEsteemPlaybook.com (The Self-Esteem Playbook)
http://www.catalize.com/cwn (Conversations With Nature)