Since 1986, Melinda Bernstein has been a devout student of many forms of holistic healing and found spiritual meaning to life in 1992 when Hurricane Andrew destroyed her family home. As a mother, former wife, bookkeeper & former co-owner of a rare coin & jewelry business, Melinda and her family relocated to an orthodox jewish neighborhood and Melinda immersed herself in the tradition of Judaism and secretly studied the deeper study of Kabbalah and jewish energy healing. Melinda has carried the pain of loneliness that no-one could fill but God and underneath the veil of everyday living, Melinda was emotionally burdened so deeply that briefly she was in a wheelchair. Not long after Melinda’s marriage began to crumble and fall apart and her love affair with God burst out with pain and shame. Melinda was determined, however to own the dark stories buried deep within her body and heal. As Melinda continued her healing process and truly own her karmic path, she met and manifested others to support her as she developed into a stronger healer and coach for others. In 2009, on Mothers Day, Melinda became a Rabbi so that she would more strongly carry the flame of spiritual healing to others. Since then, Melinda has supported countless women (and a few brave men) with “ Tree of Life Coaching & Healing”, which transforms darkness into light and takes the old stories and moves energy through the system that brings powerful light. In 2013 Melinda came up with a word to describe how she was feeling about coming home to herself and she calls it Prayergasm™. Melinda attributes her success to “a deep listening to the Shechinah, the divine face of God”. Melinda helps others clear out emotional issues and embrace the “real and powerful you”.
You can find more details about Melinda at
Melinda works on Skype and the telephone.
Besides parenting and Melinda’s “degrees/certifications/ordination”, here are a few of Melinda’s accomplishments: Author of The Roadmap To A Prosperous & Purposeful Life. Published Author of Seven Steps To A Peaceful Heart After Divorce. International Speaker in Jerusalem, Teacher of Freedom Dance, The Sacred Flirt & Kundalini Yoga. Healing with Jewish Energy Healing, Rituals: Wedding & Funerals. Click to watch Melinda’s interview on Private Matters TV in December of 2013.
Let's just all start the day embracing: