I was born and raised in South East Louisiana.
I have been active in my personal growth since 1971 when at the age of 34, I started reading some very important books and
had a change of direction in my personal life. My spiritual growth
became important and I studied each and every book I could get
my hands on. I picked up bits and pieces from many different
sources with the thought in the back of my head, "Only the truth
will stay and I will forget the things that don't help my spiritual growth."
My recent projects have been with Kenneth MacLean and include
Flash Movies and doing the technical work on our several web sites.
I am working with maxfreedomlong.com as an editor with past Huna publications.
I am slso the WebMaster of http:://modernhuna.com, where I have a free eMail course and a more extensive eCourse of 16 lessons that explain the old Hawaiian Huna in plain English for the western world.
I live with my wife Ana, in Bogotá, Colombia.
Personal development is a life long experiment. If one method doesn't
work for you there is another teacher or methods that will.
Experiment and Grow a little each day and you can become someone
Mom is proud of.
While I have been working hard to develop since I took it serious in 1971,
it has been the center of my every goal since retiring from business in 1994.
I work with the website of the western world founder of Huna, Max Freedom Long, as an editor and as WebMaster of http://modernhuna.com, creating a western version of Hawaiian Huna in plain English.
I have dedicated the rest of my life to spreading Huna to the world.
The meaning of Life is Simple;
to Live,
to Love,
and Learn.
LIVE: Everything in Nature is designed to live or to thrive or
to help something else to live. There is even a species of
insect that's sole purpose is to be born, mate, lay their eggs,
then pass on.
LOVE: In every culture in the world there is at least some
concept related to the idea of love. Love for one's Parents,
Siblings, Kin, Clan, Country, or Nation. It is a natural instinct
to find companionship and it's one of our greatest necessities.
LEARN: The universe is so grand and magnificent and endless.
The only way to expand our selves is to learn as much as we can,
what is the point in having the greatest technology when we don't
have the mind to understand it. At this point many of us don't even
have the minds to understand our selves.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it…
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.