Who am I? Yes, this was a tough question for me a big part of my live. Who am I and what am I doing on earth? What do I need to do in this crazy world? After a big journey, what you also will find in my book is how I found my true self and became who I am today.
I am that I am, and I am here to enjoy existence in this human body, to be on Earth and to experience a good lifetime while realizing my enlightenment. I have realized that I am enjoying life on this beautiful Earth which is also indeed a disruptive creation.
For example, I quit my job when I turned 20. I did it cause it simply felt wrong to spend my life behind a desk and under the orders of someone who called himself my boss.
After quitting my job, my girlfriend and I decided to get married and start a family. We lived almost 4 years together until we felt it was time to make being human more exciting. Thus, a lovely daughter came along on Earth to join us in our journey and a since a couple weeks our family is complete when our little son has born.
Nowadays I travel a lot. I love to discover new parts of the world where my human body has never been before in this lifetime. I travel with my family and spend as much time with them as I can. Also, I like to have my own time to spend some time alone in nature or just to be with myself.
To entertain my human self, I have started a few businesses in order to play and see what happens when I allow myself to write and share all my experiences. A big part of my life now is allowing, going with the flow of life, and just being in the moment.
It is all about being free and doing whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it. This is how I live and this is how you should live from this day on.
If you would like to get started with me I highly recommend to watch a few of my (Free) youtube video to get to know me a bit. You can find my video's over here:
If you like to reach out to me check out my website and use the get in touch page to sent me a message: