Mark Tyrrell is an experienced therapist, trainer and
speaker who regularly writes on self help and psychology with an uncommon twist.
Mark is the co-founder of Hypnosis Downloads, the
world's leading provider of hypnosis downloads, with over 600 downloads on every sort of psychological issue. Each session is meticulously researched, carefully
crafted, and professionally recorded. A steady stream of testimonials supports the consistently high quality of his work.
At the Hypnosis Downloads blog
Mark writes about the psychology behind individual downloads, while his monthly
newsletter Inspired
Minds offers psychological insights to over 150,000 subscribers.
Mark is also co-founder and Creative Director of Uncommon
Knowledge and helped establish a highly regarded diploma course
in evidence-based hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. He trains therapists online every week.
Mark has
produced several hypnotherapy
DVDs and CDs and taster videos for YouTube.
Mark writes a trainer’s
blog with his thoughts on training (and everything else).
The specific problems of helping clients deal with depression led Mark to
develop a depression
recovery program, a free website about depression,
and an online training course for therapists on how to lift
depression fast. He’s also behind two other free websites, for panic attacks and self confidence, and
helped to set up Uncommon Forum, now a
leading mental health discussion forum.
Mark frequently gives public seminars to health
professionals on self-esteem, trauma and bullying, and is co-author (with Jan
Sutton) of The
Giant Within. He regularly provides illuminating and
thought provoking self help psychology articles with free audio snippets on
Before he started all this, Mark worked as a psychiatric
nurse. So he’s seen it all.
When he has a free hour or so, he runs.
You can follow Mark on Twitter.
You can train online with Mark on a range of therapy and counseling skills courses.