Marilyn Devonish is a Certified Trainer of NLP, Certified Trainer of Time Line Therapy, Certified Trainer of Hypnosis, Certified PhotoReading Instructor, Life & Executive Coach, Huna Practitioner, EFT Practitioner and Archtypal Branding Coach.
Marilyn is also a Business Graduate, holds a Post Graduate Marketing Diploma, and is a Certified Management Consultant and Prince 2 Project Manager.
Marilyn works with with both business organisations and individuals uses her unique mix of business and esoteric skills to create a dynamic and highly effective environment for personal growth, development and change.
Also now vailable but not yet on the website:
To order any of the DVDs just send an e-mail to:
I believe that 'wherever you go, there you are'. For a large part of my life (the first 32 years) I tried all sorts of things and techniques to get away from the negatively I felt but eventually it would just show up again!
When I finally stumbled across a series of techniques, philosophies and approaches that allowed me to be happy being me I knew it was something that I had to make the subject of my lifes work.
The best way to learn about me is to visit my main website: where you will find a recording of what I do and how and why I gave up my Accountancy Studies to become a Hypnotherapist, NLP Trainer and Coach!
Marilyn Devonish
Tel: +44 1923 337282 (24 hour answer service)