Internationally recognized coach, consultant, and Master NLP Trainer.
She works with individuals and organizations to consult, design and train Solution Focused Ericsonian Coaching.
She is the founder and President of eight Erickson College centres world wide, where she has been teaching solution focused coaching and counselling since 1985.
Marilyn is an NLP and coaching visionary, leader, and author. Known around the world for her sparkling presence and powerful personal development courses, she is an innovator with impact. Over 30 NLP institutes around the world use her exercise designs and procedures.
Marilyn Atkinson has been the most prominent proponent of NLP in Canada and Russia since she pioneered in NLP working closely with Richard Bendler and Fritz Perls who modeled Milton Erickson therapeutic hypnosis techniques.
As she was aiming to create a practice which would integrate personal growth into a large scale framework of world impact, since 1979 she spent years to create a system, or even a number of systems to create a difference in human abiities to communicate culture to culture, family to family and and peson to person based on their ability to run own brain. Her explorations led her to the study halls of some of the decade's most distinguished luminaries - Aldous Huxley, Alan Watts, and Fritz Perls, the father of Gestalt psychology.
In 1982 Marilyn began a large scale modeling project involving the whole area of NLP: modeling of the states and qualities of Enlightment to discover what it takes to live your life fully in connection with other people. She was intereted in all big religions, and was working with Chaugdud Rimpoche, Namkhai Norbu, Krishnamurti, spent time with Ram Dass, EJ Gold, Gurjieff, Sufi.
The Art & Science of Coaching (4 Modules+Module 5 for Certification)
ICF Accredited Coach Training Program, designed to build mastery in coaching. The Art & Science of Coaching assists people and teams to connect with and to live and work from a place of deep commitment and motivation.
The Art & Science of Coaching is touted as “The Gold Standard of Coaching”. It is ideal for people who want to become life or business coaches and for professionals who want to add exceptional communications skill to their careers
Advance of the Spirit
25 CCEUs: Advance of the Spirit is a program designed for those who want to continue their own growth and inner exploration both with capacity and range of connection to others and also within themselves.
Team Coaching
14 CCEUs: In this three day course, participants learn how to develop an energetic team-thinking/planning environment in which innovative solutions become a consistent pattern.
Family & Couples Coaching
20 CCEUs: How would your life be different if you had a model for coaching couples that could help you assist couples to achieve the joy, happiness, intimacy, and fulfillment that they so desire?
Trainers Training
56 CCEUs: The course focuses first and most on the Psychology of Empowerment, and Training in Transformation as a method. Our aim is training trainers in inspiration and motivation. Standing in Contribution is a trainers training with a very specific focus on Transformational Thinking. (read more)
NLP Practitioner Training
84 CCEUs: NLP is the study of exceptional talent: how outstanding individuals get their results. With NLP, you can develop more talent, learn at an accelerated rate, and further your success, guaranteed!
"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it".
Coaching is multiple things to multiple people but primarily it’s increasing our capacity for genius, and connection with each other toward achieving our goals and finding our purpose in life.
The Erickson team has developed a range of innovative technologies, solutions and programs with the aim of defining the 21st century paradigm for Professional & Business Coaching, Innovation, and Leadership development.
Courses are available in advanced human dynamics and change technologies, accelerated learning, leadership development, creativity, and coaching excellence at international and satellite locations around the world. Erickson College's The Art & Science of Coaching ICF Accredited Coach Training Program is one of the leading, and fastest growing coaching training programs in the world.
Training centres for Erickson College International are located in various cities in North and South America, Europe, Russia, CIS countries and Asia. The Head Office for Erickson College is in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia on Canada's West Coast.
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