Maria Calidonna, BA, MAT, began her career as a teacher and writer. In her late thirties, after reading books such as Think and Grow Rich, Cash Flow Quadrant, and T. Harv Ecker's bestselling Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Maria realized that the only way to create true economic wealth was to either multiply money or to multiply people. Without any capital to invest, she got into the home-based business.
Maria's initial venture into network marketing involved product-based businesses and health coaching. "It was fantastic to help people change their lifestyles and achieve better health, but at the end of the day you still had to sell products to your family and friends and collect money from them."
Maria currently teaches individuals about the five core dynamics one must have a handle on when considering a home-based business or franchise-like system. The deregulation of energy is the last major monopoly to deregulate in the U.S. and will be one of the greatest opportunities of the century. Timing is everything in MLM, and the past two years have proven that the money made with this deregulation will be signifcantly greater than telecom of the 90's.
Maria is a published writer and reporter whose articles have appeared on the internet and in national publications such as Newsweek, The New York Times, and NPR. She is a nationally ranked Master’s runner in short distance and has run competitively on the roads for over fifteen years.
Maria's current mission is to help people create massive wealth by helping others save money and make money. She is particularly dedicated to helping mothers like herself who want to find a way to stay home with their children and not be limited in their income potential. These are the women who don't want sell yet another expensive health product, kitchen product, or expensive brand of make-up. They are women who want to be on the cutting edge of a trend.
Maria lives in Westchester County, New York, with her husand and five children.
A quote to live by:
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now."
In any undertaking, you must first know the reasons which compell you to pursue some road in the first place. This, in fact, is really the great why of your being, the sum total of what you want for your life-- and which ultimately becomes the fuel for your fire, providing you with the necessary belief in yourself and in your mission to help you overcome all obstacles.
And encounter them you will--at least at first until the time comes when you have reached the level of unconscious competence.
So for now, be clear on what you want and what drives you to pursue y. And know thatour goal and live out that mission you follow. Put your why in writing and visit it each day to remind you of the reason you have chosen to follow the path you have. Read it when the naysayers of the universe would steal your dream and would dampen your fire. Read it until you don't need to anymore, until your vision is so clearly etched in your mind's eye it isn't necessary to rely on the words anymore.
And you will have begun the process of manifesting your dreams.
And then take immediate, daily, massive action. Mach two with your hair on fire, take consistent action over time in the pursuit of your goals and you are guaranteed to not fail.