Italian native born in Rome and living in USA; Some 35 year experience in Public and Holistic Health and Coaching having a holistic approach combining ancient and modern techniques such as Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Western & Eastern Nutrition and Herbalism, and applying principles of Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Aromatherapy, Musicology, Light-Color-Magnet Therapy, Guided Imagery, and Visualization.
“My calling to holistic practice began in my teen years when I realized that taking into account the whole person rather than a simple symptom is vital to facilitate the body inner mechanism to promote healing from within. Since then, my deep passion for health issues, my caring nature and genuine interest for people of all ages, nations, and walks of life, and my proven ability in identifying problems and finding solutions have enabled me to coach thousands of people from all over the world, help them to start walking on the right path toward optimum health, and reach a more balanced and rewarding lifestyle."
Maria Teresa De Donato has been an educator, coach and an amazing motivator for more than 35 years teaching people of all ages and ethnicities in all sorts of settings - one-on-one, group, classroom, and corporate. During those last few years, however, she has been limiting her activity to worldwide online videoconfences via Skype (dedoholistic).
Maria Teresa De Donato’s Life Coaching activity can be summarized as follows:
a) Health-Lifestyle-Wellness Coaching, which includes
b) Personal-Spiritual Coaching, which helps you to
c) Education & Career Coaching, which focuses on
d) Marriage & Family Coaching
e) Conflict Analysis
f) Negotiation & Conflict Management
Languages: Italian (native), English (close to native), German (fluent), French (good), Spanish (basic).
PhD Dissertation defended: "The Dynamics of Disease and Healing and The Role that Perception and Beliefs Play in Our Health and Wellness." (De Donato, 2012)
For a complete list of my publications you can visit my AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE at
For a complete list of my articles, please click on the following links:
"Limits exist only in your mind." (Aristotle)
"You are in your life where you are for what you believed it was possible for you." (Oprah Winfrey)
"When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need." (Ayurvedic Proverb)
What is health and how we define it? Are you happy with your life or there is something missing, and if yes, what is it? Can you give it a name? Are you sure you are not sabotaging yourself through your negative way of perceiving reality and false reasoning?
I am fully committed to helping you indentify your problem(s) and look for the solution of it/them by helping you moving to a higher level of consciousness and awareness so that you can work toward your full potential. In order to accomplish that, however, you will need to a) LOVE YOURSELF enough to accept that you are worth the efforts, and that you too deserve to live a balanced, fulfilling, and rewarding life; b) HAVE FAITH in yourself that you can and will make it happen, and in the Universe, God, Nature or however you want to name Him/It/Her, that everything you wish and need is there waiting for you.
The best way to get started with me is by visiting my web sites at Email: Email:
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