I absolutely love this industry of Network Marketing. Since 2004 Life's Abundance has been what I call home helping pets and humans with our products.
Helping others to earn an income in this industry is so satisfying.
FG Xpress is now close to my heart as this amazing company enables me to assist others in business and or with product all over the world.
People fall in love with you, not your product
You can do it, anyone can
Make it fun
Suffering is optional
Enjoy helping people
Sometimes you do have to come out of your comfort box
Mistakes are normal and part of life - get over it
Feel successful before the success comes and you will be truly happy
If you don't enjoy what you are doing, get out
I have been in this industry since 2004 with Life's Abundance pet/people products. In those years I have had failures and successes. When I believed it was hard - it was. When I believed it was easy - my business took off.
Perception and attitude is everything.
Helping humans and animals with their health is very satisfying to me. Helping others make money is also very satisfying to me.
For years I was asked from people around the world about an INTERNATIONAL opportunity with Life's Abundance and the answer was and is no. They are a USA based company.
Enter FG Xpress - What an awesome way to share a product and opportunity with anyone on the planet. Any address - anywhere. I am very excited about this as people who nver had the opportunity in this industry, now do!