Linda Kaye, is known throughout the universe as the NICE JEWISH PSYCHIC and the NICE JEWISH NUDIST, and she has been doing professional peekaboo psychic readings for over 20 years with her main focus on love, sex and romance. Linda is also welknown as the Peekaboo Psychic, because of her divine ability to channel a huge amount of information in a very short period of time. She a native Californian who moved to Florida in 2005 to live in the Nudist Capital of the World, Pasco County, Florida.
She is a psychic empath, clairvoyant (the ability to see images, pictures, words, etc.) and clairsentient (the ability to read feelings). She does psychic readings by phone, email, Yahoo IM and Cyber Video. Linda is also a Reiki Practitioner, and she specializes in distant reiki healings for balancing body, mind and spirit, reducing stress, health issues, love issues, wealth, increasing business, and reconnecting with your Goddess Essence. www.nicejewishpsychic.com/reiki.html
Linda has always been intrigued by the fact that she could feel when someone is thinking about her. She has never doubted her clairsentient abiiities for herself or her clients for a moment, because it has never proved wrong for her. It has proved extremely helpful in her own personal relationships with men. Being clairvoyant and clairsentient is a blessing for Linda personally. She feels that God blessed her with these wonderful gifts, and she uses them wisely. She believes that God put her on this earth and gave her these incredible gifts, because being a psychic, clairvoyant and clairsentient is her divine purpose in life. She know within the very depths of her soul that she makes a difference; and because she knows that, her life has meaning.
Her peekaboo psychic readings are delivered with a warm and fuzzy twist, which is why she is considered to be the romantic psychic on the internet. Her main focus is on love, sex and romance. Linda also has an ebay store where she has a very successful psychic reading business. www.thepeekaboopsychicstore.com .
Linda can read your pets too. Just imagine what your pet is thinking and feeling!. She also does money and success readings, those who have passed on and so much more. In total, she has 41 different kinds of psychic readings with 22 of them being for love, sex and romance.
Linda came up with the name NICE JEWISH PSYCHIC in the 80's when she decided to advertise in the L.A. weekly. She knew she had to have a name that stood out, because of the huge number of psychics in the paper.
Linda has a newsletter that she sends out every Sunday called NICE JEWISH PSYCHIC'S CLOTHING OPTIONAL NEWSLETTER. When you sign up for her newsletter, you get a free copy of her ebook, SEXY LOVE AFFIRMATIONS. Sexy Love Affirmations is also in published paperback format. www. sexyloveaffirmations.com. Included in her newsletter is her weekly Psychic, Goddess, Nudist Meanderings, her Psychic Sales, her ebay sales, weekly affirmations, fun dating tidbits, Nudist News, a free psychic column and so much more. Sign up at http://visitor.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1101655753010 <p>
Linda has a fun colorful newsletter that she sends out every Sunday called NICE JEWISH PSYCHIC'S CLOTHING OPTIONAL NEWSLETTER. When you sign up for her newsletter, you get a free copy of her ebook, SEXY LOVE AFFIRMATIONS also in published paperback format. www. sexyloveaffirmations.com. Included in her newsletter is her weekly Psychic, Goddess, Nudist Meanderings, her Psychic Sales, her ebay sales, weekly affirmations, fun dating tidbits, Nudist News, a free psychic column and so much more. Sign up at http://visitor.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1101655753010 <p>