My name is Leena Pekkalainen.
I had been studying positive thinking for over 20 years when the real
need to internalize what I had learned arose. First I lost a good
friend to breast cancer and right after that a family member committed suicide in 1999.
The resulting depression
started my road to self discovery. I methodically started to search,
create and apply positive thinking methods - and ended up writing
inspirational short stories and positive thinking tips to uplift others too. Storytelling is my passion - I have been writing stories since I was six.
Often we remember stories better than pure theory, and this is why I have chosen to approach the subject of positive attitude motivation by telling stories. Finally I decided to put up a website
for my inspirational short stories, motivational quotes and easy to
follow positive attitude tips to encourage the reader to a more
positive outlook on life.
In today´s world nothing is
more important than to know there is always hope and ways to actively
develop one´s own positive mind and inner strengths. Positive people
treat other people with respect and acceptance - and hopefully those
people pay it forward.
I firmly believe we all have what it takes to develop into positive thinkers - not so that we will float feet off the ground, but so that we can learn to find the better thought and feeling in every moment of our lives. Happiness is in the little things. When we concentrate on finding the good in our now-moment, we don´t fall into the trap of the "when-life". (When I win the lottery / get married / retire etc, I´ll be happy)
We can learn to see the amazing richness of our everyday life.
And most of all - we are here for each other. We don´t need to do it all on our own. So lets share our happiness secrets and make each others lives a bit lighter.