Being a busy mom to 3 babies, twins and an older sibling 15 months apart, having very little time to exercise was a major problem, as well as not eating as healthy as I could. I spent what little time I had re-reading materials from courses taken about nutrition, health, fitness, etc, reading books, watching shows about health, fitness, and nutrition, listening to what ever I could, looking up information on the internet lead me to a great deal of knowledge and a way to take care of myself by exercising in as little time possible, eating healthy and on purpose, and discovering a healthy lifestyle lead me to safely and rapidly drop pounds and inches giving me incredible energy, mental and physical health, and a desire to share with other busy moms (and dads) how to take care of themselves and their families, to keep them healthy, fit and living a great healthy life. With all 3 kiddos in preschool now, having more time and the opportunity to help others has become my lifes purpose.
“There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you only do it when its convenient. When you are commited to something you accept NO excuses, ONLY results.” –Kenneth Blanchard
You are the way you are because that is the way you want to be. If you REALLY wanted to be any different you’d be in the process of changing right now. (Not sure who said this, but I love it anyway!!)
"True courage is pursuing your dreams even if everyone thinks its impossible." -Barbie
Visit my website and sign up for 2 free reports to get you started on your way to a healthy lifestyle. Then check out my ebook, The complete busy mamas 16 week fitness plan and healthy lifestyle makeover.
If you have any questions you can email me at