I have been in the Health and Wellness Industry for most of my adult life, and I have been active in athletics ever since I was young. I obtained my Bachelors Degree in Physical Lifestyle Management (Health, fitness, nutrition, wellness), and then went on to become a Registered Nurse. My past experience includes Gymnastics Coach and Choreographer, Aerobics Instructor, Aerobics Director, Slim for Life Instructor, and Employee Wellness Specialist in both the Corporate and Government Settings. As a nurse I have worked in a variety of settings such as Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and Home Care. I've also been a guest speaker for many different groups as requested. My most recent accomplishment is creating the program "Simple Solutions for a Healhtier Life".
"Take care of your body...It's the only one you'll get!"
"The better we take care of our bodies, the better we'll be able to help and serve those around us."
"Eat more of the best, and less of the rest."
Look for the program "Simple Solutions for a healthier life" to be on the market soon!
In the meantime, check out www.simplesolutionsforhealth.com