“Stop Existing & Start Living”- Coaching for Grown A*s Believers. Real life education for people about the power of spirit and sex. How it can revitalize not only your intimate relationships, but your career, cash-flow and well-being. Get more information TODAY and design your life of joy!
Excited to share my NEW Mini Intensive Program! Specially designed for out of town clients! Explore how a Tantric Weekend can transform, rejuvinate and awaken you to your divine potential!
Tantric Transformation Program (an intensive hands on 10 session program to help men regain their personal power, become better lovers, have stronger relationships in love, work and friendship, set and achieve their goals and desires, discover a fullfilling orgasmic life in every breath and MUCH more!)
Overview of all services can be found HERE
"Approach cooking and love with wild abandon"
~possibly apocryphal~The (current) Dalai Lama
"Are you breathing just a little and calling it a life?~ Mary Oliver
"Put away your pointless taboos and restrictions on sexual energy – rather help others to truly understand its wonder, and to channel it properly."
~God, channeled by Neale Donald Walsh
"As a Dakini, I am a spiritual guide and inspirational muse
I nurture people along the path
I encourage them towards liberation
As the spirit seeks ever-greater beauty and freedom"
~The Golden Dakini
"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey". Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
I believe that the way we sex is also how we choose to live our lives. As a certified holistic, real world sex and relationship educator it is my duty to strip away people’s shame, embarrassment, fear and preconceived notions around this beautifully powerful, connective, adventurous and healing gift that we have been given from the God of all that exists and ever will.
Therefor, you will find me always to be uncompromising when it comes to raw authentic truth around the subject of S-E-X!
I will also be uncompromising around the subject of FAITH. To me the greatest path is the path of spirit. So many of us CLAIM to have faith and be believers, however when it comes right down to it we allow ourselves to live in FEAR and UNCERTAINTY. When asked to stand in BELIEF, we cave.
We shame our spiritual belief and living a Christ -centered life just as much as we do our sex.Life has taught me bundles in my 41 years on this planet. As the mother of seven incredible souls and having overcome rape, divorce, self-sabotage, sexual shame and self-hatred myself, I now find with almost a decade of coaching thousands of individuals and couples all over the world; Having co-authored with Brian Tracy, John Assaraf, David Riklin, Dr. Joseph Cilea, Dr. Joesph Mercola, Gary Craig, Dr. Marcus Laux, Dr. Susan Lark, Dr. Stephen Sinatra, Dr. Julian Whitaker, and Steven E and being an expert contributing writer for Consumer Health and YourTango as well as having my article’s such as The Under F*cked Pussy Epidemicgo viral and be shared on many leading sexuality websites around the world and get hype from many radio broadcast’s that showed interest such as The Erotic Conversationalist with Alan Roger Currie the King of Seduction as well as Raw Attraction Magazine and My Tiny Secrets – I know for CERTAIN that our world is in need of some Sexual Healing! – and understanding.
God and Sex can co-exist and DO! Your TRUE Orgasm is not in the bedroom, it is in every moment, every breath, every heart beat. Live in Desire. Desire for God. Embrace your Orgasm!My mission is to teach people to be unapologetically authentic, sexual and full of desire for God.
Connect with Kendal Williams on Facebook
Visit her website and blog TantricTransformation