Kelly O’Neil, award-winning author, speaker, and “coachsultant,” is the owner of UpLevel Strategies, Inc. and Bow Wow Bootcamp, LLC. For the past 9 years, she has worked with small businesses and entrepreneurs as both a coach and consultant to help them design businesses where they earn more and work less.
It was through her 15+ years of experience working in leading marketing agencies, emerging technology companies, and Fortune 500 companies (including Epson America, Hitachi Data Systems, Kingston Technologies, and Intuit) where Kelly developed her widespread expertise in advanced business and marketing strategy. At Intuit, she was responsible for launching Quicken 98, 99, and 2000 personal finance software, as well as managing multiple brand building corporate and product public relations programs.
During the dotcom boom, Kelly was recruited by eVoice, Inc, where she successfully repositioned the company to be acquired by Time Warner AOL in 2001. Kelly then started the company now known as UpLevel Strategies, where she became the driving force behind the publicity campaign for the P2P company Morpheus in their battle to legalize digital music.
Known for her devotion to excellence, Kelly’s company has won several awards, including one bestowed by Mega Marketing Guru Seth Godin.
If you’re like other entrepreneurs, you started your business because you had a dream. A dream of bringing your passion to life… having the freedom to make your own rules and decisions… and putting money into YOUR pocket rather then making someone else rich.
But then something happened. You find yourself doing tasks you find draining rather then invigorating, you have a to-do list a mile long and it never seems to get any shorter, you don’t have any time to do anything except work in your business.
If you are ready to learn the step by step system to learn to market to people who don’t shop on price, are willing to pay premium prices for your services and build your business for you, join me October 22-24, 2009 for The Marketing To Millionaires Retreat.
Introducing the Marketing to Millionaires Prodigy Program™. With four distinct tiers to offer tailored service to your business, the Marketing to Millionaires Prodigy Program™ is unlike any coaching program available today offering a complete experience to take your business to the next level.
The Silver Level Marketing to Millionaires Prodigy Program™ is our entry level of membership and provides an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs and small businesses to have a personal coach and access to Kelly at an extremely affordable rate. Each month, you will enjoy an intimate group mastermind (no more than six members per group) with your own Prodigy Success Coach as well as group calls where we teach you the precise marketing and business strategies to take your business to the next level. You’ll also receive copies of all the calls on MP3 and Digital Transcripts as well as weekly video or audio coaching tips by Kelly. During your membership you will have exclusive access to the membership forum and access to worksheets, templates and samples of marketing and business documents.
The Silver Level Marketing to Millionaires Prodigy Program™ will be accepting 100 charter members at a special monthly rate beginning in the Spring of 2009.
If you would like to be notified and have the opportunity to become a charter member, please submit your name and email below and you will be placed on the VIP list when the program becomes available.
Marketing to Millionaires Prodigy Program™ - Gold Level
Service entrepreneurs who would like step-by-step guidance through the meticulously designed system for marketing to the affluent and designing your ideal business will benefit from The Gold Level of the Marketing to Millionaires Prodigy Program™. This tier of the program is ideal for the service-based solo-preneur who wishes to move away from dollars-for-hours and toward a more leveraged and passive revenue model.
Led by experienced UpLevel Strategies coaches, the Gold Level curriculum is delivered via live mastermind meetings with Kelly, private coaching and group calls that provide regular opportunities for members to ask and receive specific expert advice from Kelly and her UpLevel Strategies Prodigy Program™ coaches. Initial applications for the October 1, 2009 program will be accepted only at The Marketing to Millionaires Retreat in September 2009.
Marketing to Millionaires Prodigy Program™ - Platinum Level
This elite tear of the Marketing to Millionaires Prodigy Program™ offers the opportunity for a small group of entrepreneurs who are seeking to break 7-figures with an intensive training and coaching program to create genius level results. This program is distinctly designed for established six figure entrepreneurs who are ready to work on your business, not in your business.
Platinum members are in the unique position to receive three yearly mastermind groups in luxurious locations and have access to tailored, one-on-one coaching with award-winning affluent marketing and business building expert Kelly O’Neil. Initial applications for the October 1, 2009 program will be accepted only at The Marketing to Millionaires Retreat in September 2009.
Marketing to Millionaires Prodigy Program™ - Diamond Level
The Diamond Level is so exquisite, that details of the program will not be revealed until the VIP Party at The Marketing to Millionaires Retreat in September 2009. Initial applications for the October 1, 2009 program will be accepted only at The Marketing to Millionaires Retreat in September 2009.
Membership in the Gold, Platinum and Diamond programs requires an application and an interview process. Initial applications for the October 1, 2009 program will be accepted only at The Marketing to Millionaires Retreat in September 2009. Register Now.
Private VIP Consulting
Kelly O’Neil offers private VIP Consulting to select entrepreneurs throughout the year. For more information about the Private VIP Consulting visit or contact our offices at 866.615.8150 or send an email to with the “VIP Consulting” in the subject line. Serious inquiries only please.
If you want to get to the next level fast, one of the quickest ways to do that is to surround yourself with experts and people with a burning desire to succeed. You will find that here.
The first step is to just take a step. Sign up for my weekly "Arrive!" ezine where you will receive articles, invitations to teleseminars and webinars, free tips, resource recommendations and priceless information to help you build your business. And it is Free!
Phone: 866.615.8150 Mailing Address Only: 15559 Union Ave STE 101
Fax: 866.615.7809 Los Gatos, CA 95032
For general questions, please contact us via email at