For years I have been a “Gadget Girl.” I love technology! Tie that to my teaching background and I have been able to interest, invigorate, and inspire children and teachers to use technology in a rich, exciting manner!
Often the toys that students use at home are banned from school. My passion is to show teachers how to harness the enthusiasm the students have for their toys and build learning experiences around the toys, hence, Turning Toys into Tools!
During my years as a classroom teacher I’ve taught preschool, first grade, second grade, fourth grade, sixth grade and three days of third grade (but that’s a story for another time!) At night I’ve taught adult education and Master’s level technology classes for teachers. For three years I was released from my classroom duties to provide staff development in the area of technology integration for the teachers within my own school district. And currently, I am an elementary media specialist and teach technology and information literacy to kindergarten through sixth graders.
My passion is to help all people use technology in fun and engaging ways!
Need a speaker to empower women? Contact The Original Gadget Girl! Need a speaker to empower teachers to effectively use technology? Contact The Original Gadget Girl! Need a speaker to teach your group what to do with all of the digital photos they’ve taken? Contact The Original Gadget Girl! Need a speaker to teach your group how to use their digital cameras? Contact The Original Gadget Girl!
Look for the entire line of “Original Gadget Girl” products being released soon! The First book out is by the daughters of The Original Gadget Girl called “Twisted Alphabet...a Tongue Twisted Alphabet.” Visit for a preview!
Kathy has written: "Using Webkinz in the Classroom," "My Webkinz Companion Guide," "How to Publish Online." The next book to be released is "Hands-On Learning with Webkinz" in July.
Kathy Cothran
"The Original Gadget Girl"