Karl Dawson is one of only 29 Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Masters worldwide. Over the last six years, Karl has worked extensively to teach EFT trainees from all over the globe how to transform their emotional health to overcome physical disease, and how to release stress and life trauma from their body's energy system.
Karl's monthly EFT trainings are extremely popular. He has trained over 700 people to use EFT for their professional and personal use, including doctors, scientists, therapists, counsellors and lay people alike. He is extremely popular with his trainees due to his approachability, his down-to-earth, 'no-nonsense' teaching style and his ability to simplify and distil complex information and make it accessible to all. His popularity has meant that his trainees keep coming back, and he has built a large community around his work and teachings.
Karl created his 'EFT for Serious Disease' course in 2006. This specialised and unique training was a result of years of personal research and studying which was inspired by Karl's own previous health issues. The course illustrates how a myriad of stress and life traumas, if left unchecked, can eventually manifest as disease and illness. It also shows how to treat these diseases and illnesses with EFT. The course has been extremely popular worldwide and attendees have included medical professionals, holistic health professionals and lay people who are overcoming long-term illness and serious disease.
In 2007, a shift in awareness enabled Karl to gain new understanding behind the causation and resolution of trauma. This new awareness, gained from extensive observation and experience with many, many different cases of emotional trauma and physical disease, has led to him creating Matrix Reimprinting. Since then the technique has grown and developed through this new understanding and through its immense popularity with all who encounter it. The technique, which is an advancement of EFT, employs quantum physics, epigenetics and the new sciences with the use of the bodymind, for rapid personal evolution.
In February 2009 Matrix Reimprinting was recognized as a standalone therapy, and a number of Matrix Reimprinting trainings have already been held in the UK, Ireland, and Czech Republic. Over 200 Matrix Reimprinting practitioners having already qualified in the three months since the courses started.
In September 2009 Karl will commence a Matrix Reimprinting world tour, which will include Australia where Karl has been invited to headline the Australian EFT Extravaganza, a prestigious event which is highly attended, he will also be teaching Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner courses in Europe, Thailand, Hong Kong and the U.S
As an EFT Master, Karl has collaborated with a number of stars within the personal development community. He has been interviewed by EFT World Magazine, and by Dr Carol Look and Rick Wilkes who feature prominently as presenters within the EFT film phenomena ‘Try it on Everything.’ He has presented at EFT masterclasses in Dallas, Denver and London, and other large EFT conferences to audiences of 200-400. He has also produced a number of DVD sets from his trainings which are selling extremely well worldwide since their production in 2008. They include: Matrix Reimprinting; EFT for the Prevention and Treatment of Serious Disease; EFT with META-Medicine (also featuring Richard Flook); and The EFT Level 1 & 2 Practitioner Training
'We seek the teeth that bit us'
'All problems were once solutions'
'We teach best what we most need to learn'
'Our biographys become our biologies'
Matrix Reimprinting is a collection of new cutting-edge techniques created by EFT Master Karl Dawson. It combines EFT with understandings from epigenetic and quantum science, to create RAPID personal change. It is noted for its ability to quickly transform our relationship to our past, creating shifts in our emotional and physical well-being in the present.
To get started and to learn more about EFT and Matrix Reimprinting please go to my website www.efttrainingcourses.net where you can download free manuals
There are a selcetion of DVDs available from basics to advanced levels of EFT and Matrix Reimprinting
I hold EFT and Matrix Reimprinting course in the UK and worldwide details available on www.efttrainingcourses.net
Name: Karl Dawson
Main website: www.efttrainingcourses.net
Email: karl@efttrainingcourses.net
Address 14 High St, Studley, Warwickshire, B807HJ, UK
Mobile: 07986 391652