I am energy sensitive and empathic. I see and feel constrictions within live energy fields. In a Wellbeing Alignment Session, you and I consciously access pure white light and love (Christ Energy) for the release of your trauma, suffering and dis-ease.
At the root of all suffering is a false belief in being separate from Source, The Divine, God. Therefore, the focus of our session is to turn your attention into conscious alignment with your Source. This helps you experience the profound truth that you have never been separate from love. Indeed, you are now and have always been loved in every cell of your Being, unconditionally, intimately, infinitely, and completely. With this realization, energy tangles begin to unwind and release.
I also coach you in becoming aware of your thought patterns that are the root cause of energy blocks. Becoming aware of these patterns facilitates their release so that you no longer need to recreate the same constrictions within yourself.
I offer Wellbeing Alignment Sessions both locally (Boulder, CO, USA) and distance healing via phone sessions.
My work evolves from over 35 years of meditation and a deep exploration, awe and love of Christ Light. Other training in energy healing and spiritual psychology includes: Shamanism, Ho’oponopono (ancient Hawaiian healing practice), The Yuen Method of Full Spectrum Healing, and the spiritual psychology work of Paul Ferrini, Abraham-Hicks, Advaita Consciousness, A Course In Miracles and many other Teachers. I have also been a Co-Counseling Teacher, Emotional Release Coach, Addictions Counselor, and Minister.
We are already Whole and Complete and Infinitely Loved by our Creator. In the event of choosing incarnation onto this physical plane we each took on the false belief that we are separate from our Creator. Because of this belief we tend to act as though we are separate from other beings as well. This train of thinking creates offshoots of more thoughts along the same lines of separation, becoming more and more complicated and creating the illusion of separation even more convincingly.
Out of this perspective / belief of being separate from love, all suffering, dis-ease, trauma, addictions and etc. are created.
Our path of healing is to consciously discover the truth: that we are not now nor have we ever been, separate from love, from God, The Divine, our Creator (Insert the word you know It by.).
As we learn to first love ourselves, we open up the door to Creator from our side. It is already open from the Creator’s side! Our self-love and compassion leads to self-forgiveness, and then to the love, compassion and forgiveness for others. This natural progression facilitates the release of all limiting beliefs that create energy constrictions and suffering.
It is my mission to bring healing and facilitate the awareness and experience of these truths in whatever way I am called to – in energy healing sessions, coaching, mentoring, speaking, writing, etc.
The best way to get started is to write me a note on my website and let me know what you’d like help with: http://www.wellbeingalignment.com/contact.html
This link will take you to my main website which will give you more info about the work I do:
This link will give you more in-depth info about my mission and background:
To contact me, just write me a note on the contact page of my site: http://www.wellbeingalignment.com/contact.html
I look forward to meeting you ... Love, Light and Blessings to you!