Dr. Hayek has traveled internationally speaking on various topics. Health, wealth, relationships and more. Very interactive, thought provoking and applies simple methods to be successful. Speaks to youth and adult groups. Caters the seminars, or talks to the group needs. Speaker for graduations, church groups, large and small conferences, and various meeting places. All seminars and talks vary depending upon the topic, whether its on health, happiness, finances, God, success and life issues. All seminars/talks are inspirational, easy to grasp concepts, motivational, and gives ways to take action to change your lifestyle to fit the needs.
An author of two books: Back to the basics in Health & Fitness and Back to the basics in Nutrition. Start of the series called "back to the basics"
"I am a decisive person. I choose to do something, and then I do it to the
best of my ability"
"To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only
the best."
"For with God nothing shall be impossible" KJV Luke 1:37
"When the odds are stacked against you, God is there. He is there to speak words of encouragement. He is there to lift your spirits with hope, to fill that aching void of loneliness. He is there to strength you to face tomorrow's journey. God is there to give you all the love your heart needs."
"Worry is blind and cannot discern the future; but Jesus sees the end from the beginning. In every difficulty he has his way prepared to bring relief... Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing. Those who accept the one principle of making the service of God supreme, will find perplexities vanish and a plain path before their feet." E.G. White (Ministry of Healing book pg.
"No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly" KJV Matthew 11:30 & Psalm 84:11
The best way to see a short clip of the various speaking is from my website: www.HayekND.com or go directly to one encouraging talk at a youth congress of 15,000 youths about DREAMS:
Prices for speaking engagements are negotiable, just call me at 248-894-9560 and we can get started today to make your arrangements to a great successful meeting. Every talk is practical and encourages people to action.
Business: 248-894-9560
Fax : 248-368-1811
Mail address:
28675 Franklin Road Suite 532
Southfield, MI 48034
Email: jahayek@yahoo.com
Website: www.HayekND.com