Judy M has been aware all her life that we all carry healing in our hands and in our mouths. She has practiced, applied, and taught this since 1972. Her spiritual path has taken her through multiple disciplines, landing her in the depths of Christianity, where she continues to learn and grow.
Judy is a compulsive teacher with a strong desire to share her writing and healing skills, experience, and knowledge, as well as her Christian understanding, so that others can more effectively grow into the capable, confident, courageous, and compassionate men and women they are called to be. She currently offers classes and coaching in writing, art, and healing. For more detailed information on Judy and her creative skills, visit JudyManyHats.
She has been self-developing her writing skills since she began writing poetry in her teens. She is the published author of four books; numerous newsletters, speeches, and feature magazine articles; and a collection of her poetry and line drawings. In 2010, she added blogging to her writing forms.
Blogging, however, proved to be way too much fun, and she finally had to delete six of the blogs she had set up and condense the material into a more manageable two. Now, in addition to her blog, A Healed Life: The Life Worth Living, devoted to healing all aspects of life, she recently added a second blog entitled Books, Words, and Paper Things celebrating her love of books, words, and all things paper.
The best way to learn more about Judy M is to visit her two websites at Judy Many Hats and Wealth, Health, and Joy and her two blogs at A Healed Life: The Life Worth Living and Books, Words, and Paper Things.