Jonathan Started his career as a Biochemist, specialising in the analysis of doping drugs used in racing. He then moved into the world of business, where he implemented ISO 9001:2000 Quality management systems in the scientific glassware manufacturing industry. During this time, he also gained expertise in manufacturing, operations, quality assurance, transportation, sales & marketing.
Over time, Jonathan has also investigated a number of esoteric subjects, but has dismissed the majority of them, because they were unable to stand up to scrutiny. However, these experiences left him with an interest in Communication and Psychology, whereupon he undertook the study of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and Ericksonian Hypnosis. From here, he took a further interest in Persuasion, and Influence skills - but not needing to start a home-based business or engage in multi-level marketing, he realised that this skill-set could be much more profitably applied to the domain of seduction, sex and relationships.
He therefore uses these technologies and experiences to improve communication, increase confidence, gain motivation, use influence and persuasion etc., for the ends of helping others and himself to gain richer more varied sex lives, as well as building better relationships, and general personal evolution.
He continuously seeks to develop and enhance his skills, as well as learn about new developments in the fields of Science and Psychology.
"Roughly speaking, any man with energy and enthusiasm ought to be able to bring at least a dozen others round to his opinion in the course of a year no matter how absurd that opinion might be. We see every day in politics, in business, in social life, large masses of people brought to embrace the most revolutionary ideas, sometimes within a few days. It is all a question of getting hold of them in the right way and working on their weak points."
~ Aleister Crowley
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