John Fortuna began giving card readings at the age of 6 using a Tarot deck he found in his home…
Paranormal experiences were common occurrences and he came to accept that the other world is closer to us than we ever imagined.
A few years later he suffered an accident in which he was unconscious for a matter of minutes. During that time a woman in white appeared to him and said
“now that you know the truth… you cannot ever live your life the same again…”
John specializes in bringing that truth to you.
John’s unique perspective is enhanced not only by his spiritual beliefs, but with professional experience as a family counselor, a natural health practitioner, and an artist.
Through the choices we make with our free will, we set in motion a pattern of events. It is up to you to follow that path through to the end or make a change and break the cycle. John is now the host of the "That's what he said…" His show is dedicated to helping the masses with their life questions from a male's perspective. His honest answers, sharp wit, and accurate readings amaze his fans week after week.
You must First Deconstruct before you can Reconstruct
Anything is Possible, not everything is Probable
The Past is written in stone, the future is on tissue paper.
Visit my website at You can also listen to my show at I am on Tues, Wed and Thurs nights.