Joanne LeBlanc, CPCC, ACC is the founder Total Vision Coaching & Consulting, LLC and Life Coaching by Design which provides individual, business, relationship/partnership coaching and consulting services. She is also co-founder/President of Brunswick Bldg. Systems, Inc. and a founding member of the Coaching Tree which is a unique affiliation of independent coaches focused on working with student coaches as they progress through training and certification.
Joanne brings many years of experience in the startup and ownership of numerous small businesses. Her experience makes her uniquely suited to supporting small business owners as they create their business vision and move forward into action. She has also completed The Coaches Training Institute's ten month Co-Active Leadership Program which has provided a unique set of skills and tools to work with business leaders and individual coaching clients as they discover and embrace the "leader" within.
Joanne’s vision for her individual and relationship/partnership coaching clients is for client(s) to discover, design and move ahead with creating the full lives that they are longing for. She holds that greatness comes from human "beings" living their lives fully at choice.
Joanne brings a compassionate and warm heart to her client(s) as she remains fiercely committed to her client's living the life they want, no kidding!
Until One is Committed....
there is hesitancy,The chance to draw back, Always ineffectiveness.Concerning all acts of initiative ( and creation)There is one elementary truth,The ignorance of which kills countless ideas and plans:That the moment one defiantly commits oneself, Then Providence moves, too.All sorts of things occur to help one that would neverOtherwise have occurred.A whole stream of events issues from the decision,Raising one's favor all mannerOf unforeseen incidents and meetings and materialAssistance, which no man could have dreamt Would have come his way.I have learned a deep respoect for one of Goethe's couplets:"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." Quote from Himalayan Expedition, W.D Murray
Total Vision Coaching & Consulting LLC
Joanne LeBlanc, CPCC, ACC, BS
365 Turnpike Street Suite B
South Easton, MA 02356
Office: 508-297-1289
Cell: 508-821-6057