I am the parent of two adults with disabilities, and an educational advocate for over 15 years. My book Disability Deception; Lies Disability Educators Tell and How Parents Can Beat Them at Their Own Game is filled with advocacy tips to help parents, advocate for an appropriate child for their child with a disability.
" The first time I was lied to, occurred in 1984, when my daughter with a disability Angelina was three years old. I was outraged! Why would an educator tell me something that was not true? I bought into the myth that school district personnel cared for Angelina and wanted what was "best" for her. I learned fairly quickly that the only person who really cared about my daughter's education was me."
Parents do not have to cooperate with special education personnel. What they should do is learn to be "assertively persistent" in their fight for an appropriate education for their child.
Feel free to check out my Website at: www.disabilitydeception.com. My book Disability Deception is on sale on my Website as well as at www.amazon.com.
I have been writing free articles on various Web sites including self growth.com, check them out and share with friends. For a wonderful free E newsletter send an E mail to: JoAnn@disabilitydeception.com.