From her earliest days, Joan was passionate about self-growth. Of course, she wouldn’t have known that term...but as a young girl, it took such forms as carefully monitoring her thoughts, reading all the classic book titles listed on the back cover of “great books”, and reading lives of saints over summer vacations. Psychology was a natural choice for a college major, and she voraciously read and studied, and obtained a M.S. degree in social psychology with a focus on women’s relationship to achievement. A series of moves and a divorce as a brand-new mother derailed her professional psychology career. Motivated by the responsibilities of single parenthood, she pursued a career in management in the staffing industry. This provided a good platform for using ‘psychology of achievement’ principles and learning coaching skills, as Joan coached her team to award-winning performance, and helped resolve issues between employers and employees. She particularly relished helping people find the work best suited to them, and led workshops called “Finding Your Right Livelihood”.
Throughout, she continued her avocation in the human potential movement, gaining certifications in a variety of methods, and completing several courses of personal development work, such as the Pursuit of Excellence, Omega training, Landmark Education, Heart Awakening School, Reiki, etc. - all valuable training which helped her become what she is as a person and a coach. She was certified in 1990 in a method then known as “Truwell Technology”, which was especially suited to her talents and skills; it has morphed into the Breakthrough Process she uses today. She has also been committed to her meditation practice for over thirty years, and credits that for much of her self-growth and the intuition she has honed in her coaching practice.
After seven years as a single mom, Joan met Mike, a single dad of a 5-year old daughter, and Joan began her life as a stepmom (the Sarins married in 1993). It took all the training and self-awareness she had and lots of hard work to get through the challenges of stepfamily life. Although lessons were learned the hard way and far from perfectly, the Sarin family now enjoys good communication all around - including with the ex-spouses. They spend what time together they can muster, with Joan’s son in grad school in upstate New York, and Mike’s daughter living and working in France. Better late than never, Joan discovered the Stepfamily Foundation in New York. Learning its system of managing differences between stepfamily and biological family dynamics brought it all together for her, and she became a master coach, in order to help others blending a family to have a quicker, easier learning curve than she did!
Once her children were nearly grown, Joan left management to focus on what she loves: teaching (“The Psychology of Happiness”), facilitating people in getting through impasses using the Breakthrough Method, and coaching in the two areas in which she is highly experienced - with business professionals and with stepfamilies - helping them to get remarkable results in reaching their goals. She lives mostly in Phoenix with Mike and two cats, but spends as much time as possible in their little haven in the White Mountains of Arizona.
It’s predictable that life will present you with tough challenges - you might have a dream of a smooth and happy life, but in reality, life is a school, complete with tests! The marriage partner you fell in love with, the career you planned, the life or the children you wanted - these choices bring occasional conflict or breakdown that can be hard to get past. Or it could be that you are trying unsuccessfully to reach one of these goals. The truth is that our challenges are custom-designed for us, to help us grow and develop. But precisely because they relate to some change we need to make in ourselves, we sometimes reach an impasse in getting through them. If only we could grow our heart by a size or two, or change the color the lens we’re seeing through! Instead, we feel constricted, locked in a place of hurt, fear, blame, anger - whatever the emotional charge of the circumstance - and the struggle we’re facing just seems insurmountable.
Too often today, relationships break up, people become estranged, and jobs are lost or quit, when people become locked in a dynamic that’s spiraling downward. Or, people “suck it up” for too long, and then suffer from built-up resentment, or a health condition brews until a change is forced. People come to me complaining about their boss, job, spouse, ex-spouse, etc. - but when they really introspect, they find that the best first-level approach to changing their outcome is not “out there” but “in here”. When your emotional response to a circumstance is overwhelming; when you want to reach a goal but feel blocked; when you want to behave differently but feel unable; or when that small, still voice within tells you that a shift in you is what’s called for - that’s where breakthrough coaching comes in...
The Breakthrough Process is geared toward just such challenges - it helps you to find the love and acceptance, the change in perspective, the confidence or courage to shift when you’re stuck and all the trying in the world doesn’t seem to help.
If you accept that the difficulty you’re facing is perfectly designed to bring to the surface what needs to be healed, then it follows that the key to finding the solution is within the problem itself. Somewhere inside you there’s a belief or a painful memory that correlates to the current situation. The emotional impact of that memory (which you may either not be conscious of, or may not have related to the present circumstance) holds a pattern in place which magnifies your current response. You’re reacting as much to the past as to the current situation (that’s what it means when something “pushes your buttons” - past emotions or beliefs are ruling the current scene). If what needs to be healed remains tucked away, out of awareness, then getting through your challenge is arduous and frustrating. More similar circumstances will come into your life to bring it forward until the pattern is healed. That old pattern seems to have an uncanny ability to draw its same reflection!
The Breakthrough method is amazing because it is at the same time easy, deep and enlightening. It allows the original memory to come to the awareness, and once it is unearthed, it can be cleared. The specific elements of the Breakthrough Process are described below, but two key things occur: the emotions that have been stuck are painlessly released, which sets free the pattern as well as the energy that has been stored to hold it. This freed energy then becomes available to take you to a deep state of awareness where healing is possible. In this state, you experience the antidote to the original emotion; it may be felt as a liquid, all-encompassing peace, an unconditional embracing love, or an expansion into freedom, wisdom or power. In this crucible of pure, deep feeling, a transformation takes place which dissolves the old painful pattern. You emerge feeling free, with an extraordinary sense of clarity that gives you understanding of the lesson to be learned, and with the compassion that results from feeling accepted at your core. A state shift has occurred which has transcended the original level of the problem, and a response presents itself that truly addresses the issue. Your behaviors and responses naturally change as a result and the challenge is resolved. Frequently, what’s “out there” seems to magically change. What has actually happened is that you have attracted a new outcome that aligns with the new pattern created in your breakthrough.
The process is quite enlightening because patterns get laid bare in front of us, and we begin to see how we have, in fact, created our reality. It’s surprising to see how certain choices we’ve made correspond to the pattern we just uncovered! This gives us huge insight on how our beliefs and choices affect our life outcomes, which helps us to grow and be more aware for future choices.
The Breakthrough Process can be purely psychological or deeply spiritual. It is always at the right depth and approach for the individual, because the whole process, while expertly facilitated, is led by the client. As a facilitator, my intuition is highly tuned to follow the lead of the client to the core of the issue at the level of their awareness . It is also a highly reliable method that has been effectively used for over twenty years.
Coaching is an important part of getting results, both within the breakthrough process and as a part of the overall work toward goals relating to complex, multi-layered life arenas such as family life, business and career. Clients often need help in structuring a solution, improving communicating skills for dealing with conflict, and learning principles that will help them create the life they desire. A series of sessions that weaves the Breakthrough Process in with other helpful principles in which I’m trained, is a highly effective model for getting to the next level in your life.
Seven Steps to a Breakthrough
1. Coaching helps you get crystal clarity on your goal and identify the issues surrounding it.
2. Through muscle testing, your body indicates the primary subconscious block in the way of that goal, and we uncover its source in your memory.
3. The negative emotions holding the pattern in place are cleared from their origin up to the present time using a simple, powerful, advanced method.
4. You are connected to a unified state of reality in which you are guided to an experience of the “antidote” to the old emotional pattern. In this conscious state of awareness, you are taken to whatever level of understanding, love, peace or truth fits the situation. Flooded with wisdom, power, or love from immersion in a liquid, expanded healing state, the lesson to be learned is shown to you with clarity. You feel steeped in self-acceptance, which opens your heart, releasing the constriction that was there.
5. You then generate a replacement for the painful memory or belief, so that a new pattern is installed in your subconscious memory. This new brain pattern becomes the basis for a constructive emotional or behavioral response to the situation.
6. Together we generate a customized affirmation for you use to reinforce the fragile new pattern, giving you a new framework for living with regard to this issue.
7. For complex or long-standing issues, there is an “untangling” process that requires both a series of breakthrough sessions and life coaching on related principles. These are weaved into a program for creating your desired reality in this life arena - family, relationship, business or other goal - so you can operate from an emotional state is secure, powerful, accepting and free.
Joan Sarin, M.S.
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