Jim Mueller is the co-founder of the non-profit marriage organization,
Growthtrac Ministries and the online resources: growthtrac.com and growthtracradio.com
Jim and his wife Sheri, are certified marriage mentors, marriage enrichment
event teachers, ministry consultants and published authors, including Jim's
contribution to Dr. Les Parrott's book, The Complete Guide to Marriage
Mentoring and publication in Marriage Partnership magazine.
Jim and Sheri have served at their church for over ten years as pre-marriage
mentors where they developed the evangelism component of their church's mentor
training program and have taught and coached other marriage mentors and
Married over thirty years, Jim and his wife Sheri have conducted marriage
conferences in cities across the country and have committed their ministry to
equipping and encouraging America's couples and churches to building healthy,
biblical marriages. The Muellers live outside Chicago, and are the parents of
two married daughters.
Growthtrac enjoys a significant web presence and is a respected esource & partner to thousands worldwide.