Jerry McNellis has over 30 years of practical experience helping groups tackle some of the messiest predicaments they face. Users of Jerry’s trademarked Compression Planning® methods can be found working with leadership teams across North America. Jerry’s Compression Planning® workshop was rated #1 program for content and presentation for seven consecutive years at the GE Edison Institute during Jack Welch’s tenure. · Jerry began his work with leadership teams in his mid-twenties when he started helping not-for-profit boards of directors streamline their meeting procedures. · Over 500 times Jerry personally custom designed and led teams in offsite planning sessions to resolve critical issues. · Among a sample of the well known senior teams he’s worked with are:o the founders and top executives that built Lenscrafterso the world’s first 100% electric car …GM’s EV-1o the merger of five Montreal hospitals into one patient centered delivery systemo the International Board of Habit for Humanityo North American Society of Pediatric Pathologistso American Leprosy Missionso Insurance companies, banks, hotel chains, hospitals, mega-churches, dozens of community colleges and the list goes on and on. · About 50 % of his time Jerry teaches Compression Planning and consults with professional and amateur facilitators as they prepare their work. The other 50% of his time he designs and leads sessions on critical business and organizational issues. · Jerry’s exceptional Executive Decision Making System is an efficient, essential cog in a successful organization’s machinery. EDMS will allow a company to be better organized and a crucial communications tool will be embedded throughout the organization.