An internationally recognized author and spiritual teacher, Jennie Marlow has been a channel for higher guidance for over 20 years. A former Silicon Valley executive and business consultant, she now devotes her life to conveying the wisdom of her spirit guides. Her behavioral and spiritual models for the Post-New-Age are used by a growing number of therapists, coaches and consultants in psychology, personal growth, leadership and business. She leads the popular workshops, Channeling Your Spirit Guides, Quantum Creativity, Evolving Your Money and Relating Soul-to-Soul. Her books include, Personal Magic and 100 Days of Wisdom.
In 2008, Marlow founded the Aeon Institute, a global network of certified teachers and coaches of her work. The Aeon Institute site offers a number of thought-provoking recordings as free downloads.
Jennie Marlow is principally concerned with human personal creativity and the way in which survival fear distorts our perceptions, behavior and choices. Her work is based on understanding the way in which biology and culture conspire to rob us of our most fundamental emotional freedom—the freedom to be our authentic selves—and cause us to live in fear of the uncertain future. In 2009, Marlow created Overcoming Fear of Uncertainty, a website dedicated to the full expression of your creativity, joyfulness and emotional freedom, where she collaborates with other gifted teachers and healers in providing tools and information about overcoming fear. The site offers members a free, one-hour introductory class, plus tips and tools, and an “Ask a Question” feature that allows members to put their questions directly to Jennie and her guides. The course, Overcoming Fear of Uncertainty, released in early 2010, is a four-part online video which offers Marlow's groundbreaking system for reclaiming power from our fear of the uncertain future. Jennie Marlow also contributes to the website’s blog. To become a fan of the site, visit the Overcoming Fear of Uncertainty Facebook fan page.
Jennie Marlow blogs about the teachings of her guides on Steel-Toed Moccasin and posts daily inspirational quotes from her spirit guides on Twitter. Visitors can find information about private readings, mentoring and private intensives on her website,
My guides have much to say about the the spiritual journey that is a human lifetime on the Earth plane!
"The truth cannot be hunted down by a fearful mind. It can only emerge from a willing heart." - Spotted Eagle
"Ending war and hunger are easier than you might think. Walking your path without fear is by far the more difficult thing." - Spotted Eagle
"If you are to win the war with fear and judgment, you must enter the battle naked, armed with nothing by your open heart." - Grandfather White Elk
"World peace is not created by others. It is created by you. Until you can learn to be at peace in your own heart, and create unconditional love in your closest personal relationships, you cannot know or speak authentically about what would create peace in the world. It it up to you to blaze a trail through the wilderness of your own fear and judgment, and then to invite others to follow in your footsteps." - Grandfather White Elk
To begin exploring the teachings, listen to Jennie's free introductory class on Overcoming Fear of Uncertainty. There are other free downloads of recorded chats and more on the free downloads page of her website.
For more information Jennie Marlow, please email to or by snail mail:
Jennie Marlow
PO Box 7
Boonville, CA 95415