Formed in 1993, Janis Spindel Serious Matchmaking, Inc. stemmed from the most yuppie of yentas avocation – bringing ambitious, time-starved singles together. Janis knew she had the uncanny knack for adjusting cupid’s arrow when, prior to going professional, fourteen different couples she introduced in one year ALL ended up getting married! It was after that fourteenth phone call Janis put down the receiver and informed her husband that a matchmaker was born. Janis, a former fashion executive, has always had an extremely entrepreneurial spirit. Prior to becoming Cupid on Call to New York City’s power elite, Janis was the proprietor of 9 retail locations of “Mommy and Me.” These shops were THE place for funky and fashionable moms and their kids in the New York Tri State Area. Now as the president and founder of Janis Spindel Serious Matchmaking, Inc., Janis specializes in pairing up highly successful, well-educated, attractive professionals, including public figures and celebrities. It’s the place “Where people who wouldn’t be caught dead doing this, meet others who wouldn’t consider it if their lives depended on it!” Along with individual matchmaking, Spindel also organizes events, cocktail parties, intimate dinners and daytime outings for single parents and their kids. Her extensive media coverage includes national television segments on CBS 60 Minutes II, CBS The Early Show, NBC The Weekend Today Show, The Today Show, The O’Reiley Factor, and she has been featured numerous times in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, and New York Magazine. She is a national bestselling author of, Get Serious About Getting Married: 365 Proven Ways to Find Love in Less than a Year (Regan Books/Harper Collins) and her next book is due to hit stands in September 2007. But how does she keep her database fresh?, Even though Janis is headquartered in New York City, her database is comprised of women from all over the country. A whirling dervish of a woman, Spindel gives gutsiness a new name. She’ll approach anyone, anytime, any place, and if they qualify she has their contact information before they know it. Like most of her clientele, she moves the whole show to the Hamptons during the summer months. When confidentiality and selection is key, the New York Area’s power elite calls on their very own Cupid in a Chanel suit, Janis Spindel. Touting itself as the “boutique” matchmaking service, her business is kept exclusive through the executive sized fees. All of Janis’ CLIENTS are MEN. Her success rate speaks for itself, as Spindel is responsible for 760 marriages as well as 1000+ long term, committed relationships. Although Janis’ website also provides an Internet dating option, it is broadcast only within the confines of the site, and is the only on-line dating service run by a real, live matchmaker. So while the rest of the country wonders “Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire”, Janis Spindel knows whom the millionaires want to marry…
“I truly love what I do and often go well beyond the contracted dates to find a client that special someone,” sighs Spindel, who recently celebrated her 24th wedding anniversary and has two daughters, a 21 year old and an 8 year old “After all, what could be more fun than helping someone fall in love!”