After graduating from the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management in 2001, Jai has compiled a long list of speaking engagements pertaining to technology in family law. As a co-founder and inventor of the OurFamilyWizard® parenting website Jai has developed the nation’s leading online resource for shared parenting. He continues to collect the feedback of both parents and professionals to further develop these resources to fit the needs of both parties.
His team has created a revolutionary set of online tools like no other, specifically designed to assist parents, family courts and legal professionals in the handling of co-parenting relationships. The utilization of these tools can greatly reduce the parent's need to return to the courtroom and child's exposure to parental conflict.
Kids today are busier than ever, add to that doing everything from separate homes and things can become very stressful. Keeping everyone on the same page can help you avoid issues becoming conflicts. If you do need to return to court, you are not wasting time fighting over things that may or may not be.
Our website is the premiere shared parenting software committed to removing conflict and improving the lives of children.
Our site is so effective that judges throughout the USA and Canada have ordered families to utilize the site in contested cases to reduce family conflict.
The OurFamilyWizard website has quickly become the leading way parents coordinate all of their vital information, divorced or not. Much more than just a divorce software or a calendar for divorced parents, we provide life management tools.
"A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business." Henry Ford
"Luck is the intersection of Preparation and Opportunity" ~unknown
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” ~ Albert Einstein
"Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional." ~Max Lucade
"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together" ~Marilyn Monroe
"A stumble may prevent a fall." English Proverb
The OurFamilyWizard® website Parent Account gives you and your family the ability to store and share online:
• Private and Shared Family Calendars
• Important messages
• Email and text notifications
• Shared or private journaling
• Family information storage (shoe sizes, height, weight and so much more)
• Access to important documents and files (My Files)
• Shared expense management, tracking and payment
The combination of all of these parenting tools in one location provides your family with a safe central hub in which you can stay on top of family matters. You may choose to use all of the features or you may only use a few, but either way you can rest assured that the information will be safe, secure and always accessible from the Internet.
The parent subscriptions are currently priced for EACH parent as follows:
• $99.00 for a one year subscription per parent (27 cents a day)
• $179.00 for a two year subscription per parent (24 cents a day)
Your co-parent may not be as committed to the idea of online communication and planning as you are. In some cases, your co-parent may simply not take the initiative to register on the site and purchase an account. You can purchase an account for the other parent during your sign-up process. Simply check the “I would like to pay for the other parent” option.
Sign UpChild Accounts are free
Each of the children can be given access to a special child account.
These accounts give child(ren) the ability to:
o View the Shared Family Calendar
o View the Message Board
o Receive notifications and reminders
o Create and view Journal Entries
o View certain sections of the Information Bank
o View and use the Family Resource Section
o View and use the E-Coupons
The child account gives child(ren) the ability to see a restricted amount of information that is pertinent to them
Third Party Accounts are free
The third party account gives the ability to see a restricted amount of information, which is pertinent to them. These accounts give users the ability to:
o View the Shared Family Calendar
o View the Message Board
o Receive notifications and reminders
o Create and view Journal Entries
o View certain sections of the Information Bank
o View and use the Family Resource Section
o View and use the E-Coupons
Professional Accounts are free
The professional account gives you the ability to create parent accounts, manage a database of your clients, store important client documents online (judgment and decree, court orders, etc.), communicate with your clients, create client to do lists, and much more. This account gives you the ability to see what is actually going on in your cases. All of the information is directly tied to the parent accounts that you create. This means that there is no duplication of efforts or materials. The professional account is free of charge.