Jackie Ruka : Self Development Coach, Trained Art Psychotherapist, HealthCare Professional and Author of the upcoming book: Imagine Your Greatest Good: A Practical Guide to Popping Your Power on the Planet, out Oct. 2011.
The secret behind the unique approach Jackie devised entails dream sculpting techniques for self reinvention leading to permanent happiness in todays world of massive global change. Align with your Divine intent .
As an authority with shaping Billion dollar healthcare brands combined with certifications in areas of Anxiety, Depression, Mind Body healing, HIV, Womens Health, Marketing and Professional Education; has led to numerous awards and recognition amongst leading Fortune 100 companies.
Jackie developed the newest 2011 self development company , Get Happy Zone. GHZ provides a creative journey where individuals will experience new avenues for reaching their true hearts desires while learning a technique known for centuries. Masters such as, Einstein, Walt Disney, John F Kennedy and leaders of the 21st century, practice this technique and so can you.
The utilization of Get Happy Zone and new upcoming guide book will be your magic bullets for reaching your true hearts desires.
Jackie is currently painting her life canvas in Santa Barbara, CA
By joining the free Get Happy Zone Lifestyle Network , you will have access to people supporting people ,as well as a place, to express your dreams, desires and gain/give inspiration !
- My Life is My message. - Ghandi
- Always follow your heart. Jackie Ruka
- To be a beacon of light entails a reinvention of "me" for a better "we" , in life, love, relationships for positive global change to occur. Jackie Ruka
- When you follow your true hearts desire, your mission will become clear. Jackie Ruka
Philosophy: I am sharing with you that which I know and teach based on personal experience of 24 years in healthcare in many capacities including my years as a Therapist , as a treater, healer and mentor to professionals on a individual and group basis. In addition to reinventing myself into the corporate environment with marketing and professional education of numerous brands to treat debilitating diseases ,while working in conjunction with many Thought leaders around the world. The various training and roles I have experienced have evolved toward a formula I developed based on the simple desire that we all hope to acquire, Happiness .
Reinvention of self can be exhilirating, exciting and fulfilling ! My upcoming book, out in Oct. 2011, will aid you in your journey of transformation through a century old technique , including the laws of deliberate creation and imagination. The 90 day program accompanies the practical guide for an enriching and supportive experience while succeeding at the mini accomplishment approach to reaching your true hearts desire.
Getting started is easy !
Acquaint yourself with the complimentary dream sculpting tools by signing into the Get Happy Zone website and begin your practice of Happiness .
Sign in to the free Happiness Lifestyle network to meet new friends and exposure to people learning from people. Lastly, sign up for the 90 day Popping Your Power on the Planet program.
If you prefer , One on One coaching is available as an option that might best suit your focused intention.