Hale Dwoskin, New York Times Best-Selling author of The Sedona Method, and co-author of the best-selling Happiness Is Free (five-book series) is the CEO and Director of Training of Sedona Training Associates, an organization that teaches courses based on the emotional releasing techniques originated by his mentor, Lester Levenson. Dwoskin is an international speaker and featured faculty member at Esalen and the Omega Institute. He is also one of the 24 featured teachers of the book and movie phenomenon, “The Secret.” For thirty years, he has regularly been teaching The Sedona Method techniques to individuals and corporations throughout the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. http://www.sedona.com/the-secret-behind-the-secret.aspx
Once you are a Sedona Method graduate--that is, someone who has completed The Sedona Method Audio Course, attended a live seminar or read The Sedona Method book--you can visit The Worldwide Releasing Community to ask questions of Hale, participate in free teleconferences, read Hale's blog, access advanced releasing products, get a coach or a releasing partner or join an online chat. Go to www.sedona.com and click on Worldwide Releasing Community at the top of the home page to register.
The only reason we want to understand our problems is because we are planning to have them again.
Hale Dwoskin
Freedom is not for you, it's from you.
Hale Dwoskin
All problems are based on memory; in this moment, there are no problems.
Hale Dwoskin
Celebrate whatever arises in consciousness without clinging to anything.
Hale Dwoskin
Feelings only lie. They tell you that you are going to get from letting go of them what you already have from holding onto them.
Hale Dwoskin
We do not create our own realities we only create our own illusions. Reality needs nothing to be.
Hale Dwoskin
Release your wanting and allow yourself to have.
Hale Dwoskin
If you feel stuck, either let go of wanting to change it or allow yourself to feel the way you do. Either one will help dissolve the feeling of stuckness.
Hale Dwoskin
If you dive below the waves on the surface of consciousness, there is always calm.
Hale Dwoskin
Instead of wanting to be loved, allow yourself to recognize that you are love.
Hale Dwoskin
Let go of wanting to make your problems real again.
Hale Dwoskin
To learn more about Hale Dwoskin and The Sedona Method, you can:
Get a free Sedona Method CD, a DVD of a live Sedona Method class, and our e-newsletter for the cost of shipping and handling by visiting http://www.sedona.com/Sedona/Public/FreeSignUp.aspx
Read The Sedona Method book by Hale Dwoskin available at all major booksellers or by calling 888-282-5656
Visit www.sedona.com for more information or to find out where live seminars are being held in your area.