Dr. Gouri Maharaj was born in Trinidad & Tobago, a two-island nation in the southeast corner of the Caribbean. After attending High School, he attended Corinth Teachers’ College in Trinidad. While working for the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, Maharaj was awarded a commonwealth scholarship to study at Lakshmibai International College of Physical Education and Health, in Madhya Pradesh, India. He graduated in the top 5% of the class and was awarded a bronze medal for his great achievements.
His studies at The College of yoga and cultural synthesis brought a new awakening into his life. This was when he was certain that his duty was to seek out and put into practice the method of unification of the energies of the body, mind and spirit. Dr. Maharaj found many answers to better health at this time, in yoga therapy and natural health practices.
Today Dr. Gouri Maharaj has more than twenty years of experience as a yoga therapist, is a doctor of naturopathy, a board certified hypnotherapist and holds a doctorate in holistic theology, from the University of Brentwick, London, England, graduating summa cum laude.
He presently has offices in New York and the Caribbean. Dr. Maharaj has clients in many countries that are seeking better health by management of and working toward reversal of diabetes. His book entitled: “Diabetes: Reversing it Naturally” was rated #1 by the Midwest Review Board for the month of February 2003. His work on diabetes has a holistic approach and has integrated all other known facets of medicine in order to accomplish this. It is his view that every facet of medicine compliments each other and has their rightful place and time for implementation if the patient is to benefit.
Do You Fear that You are a Diabetic?
If you are, then you would certainly want to join this program. Our diabetic prevention program. While we cannot change, under normal conditions, our genetic disposition, we can certainly change what is in our environment. Both our internal and external environments. What we eat or put into our bodies, and the things we may keep around us, will definitely determine how healthy or sick we can become. Our diabetic prevention program focuses on how to prevent diabetes. We find out the latest research from both the medical and natural standpoint and use this information to the best of our ability to assist the members of this program.
If you are going to the "right doctor" you can be told about the possibility of becoming a diabetic up to 12 years before you become one. Why then are there so many diabetics?
Today it is almost an epidemic. And there may be many reasons for this, however when we experience the effects of those things that we did not do, we find that there may be many problems. One such problem is diabetes. This silent killer, according to medical science and naturapathic medicine, can be prevented.
By observance of the laws of nature and health, we are able to keep this dreadful killer away from our lives and the lives of our loved ones (if found in time). Our unique program is able to assist in this admirable venture. Just call or write to us and we will be able to give you all the assistance that you will need to prevent diabetes in your life. All you have to do is to follow our program closely and you would be at least 90% certain that your life would be better.
We have on staff qualified naturopathic doctors, yoga therapists, aquaculturists, board certified hypnotherpists, psychologists, and medical doctors. They can assist you in making decisions about your health by giving you up to date facts. Just send us an e-mail of what you would like us to do for you and it will be forwarded to the appropriate person. They will eventually contact you and discuss your specific situation. All natural health programs including weight loss, detox, special programs for people with diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases and other lifestyle diseases. If you have gone to all other places and have not gotten help. You have reached to the right place! Let us help you. "We do not promise to add years to your life but we will certainly do everything to add life to the number of years that you have left to live." Dr gsm.
GSM Inc. is happy to offer all natural programs for any problem that you may have. All programs are individualized to suit your personal needs. These programs are closely supervised by Dr Gouri Maharaj (BPE.MEd.MH.PhD) Doctor of Holistic Theology, board certified Hypnotherapist and Yoga Therapist. He has over twenty years of experience as a Yoga Therapist and has formulated the most successful natural care program for diabetics,The Dia Care Program. People in more than 35 contries are participating in his Dia Care Program and have had great results. More than 75% of them have been able to get off all their diabetic drugs and are now using herbs or just the correct foods and lifestyle; which allows them to live a better than"normal life."
We have representatives in over seventeen countries where our products are used and our programs are implemented. Our newest project is an in-patient health center in Trinidad and Tobago. It is already functioning as an out-patient facility and has now opened its doors to in-patient services. It is specially designed for people with lifestyle diseases and those who would like to prevent such dreadful diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart conditions cancer and obesity. Any suggestions and comments would be taken in a strict and confidential manner.
Our main office is at: 775 E225 St. Bronx, New York, 10466, USA.
Contact us:
In The United States:
In Trinidad & Tobago
Phone Number: 718-882-3591. Phone Numbers: 868-669-6694
24Hr Fax: 718-515-0910. or 868-658-5361or 868-781-7013
E-Mail: gouri5@netzero.net
or drgsm@hotmail.com
or drgsm@gsmhealth.com