Gina Kopera is a Master Herbalist, Midwest-based researcher, Author, and Consultant Coach in the field of Alternative Health. She is also the president of Ginas Corner devoted to informing MS patients and others about effective alternative therapies and helping them take advantage of those therapies.
Gina's interest in alternative health was aroused over 2 decades ago I had some serious back problems as a teenager, which did mean that I saw numerous amount of doctors, took various of 19 prescription drugs and missed a fair amount of school.
Nothing in the medical community in my Arizona city came up with help, however, and the only option left, it seem was surgery. My father was against my going through major back surgery at that time, however, took me to a nutritionist. I was put on a regime of diet and exercise. In three months the pain was gone with no recurrence.
The trouble is, I never thought about it again, even though it could have been prudent to things to come. In all honesty, I had put it out of my mind. Back pain did not haunt me, thankfully, but also, the idea of nutrition having anything to do with the alleviation of specific pathological symptoms of a disease never entered my mind either!
Until, The Journey of a lifetime really begun I was able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together from my former knowledge BUT I still needed to learn much more, that's what led me to launch my quest to identify effective natural alternatives to conventional treatments and found how powerful and result orientated it is!
My passion is to teach others about the power of alternative health
Over the last decade, Gina has been amongst one of the first Master Herbalist to inform Americans about alternative health breakthroughs with MS and Epilepsy that have improved and saved lives. Her years of research have made her a prized consultant too numerous fields, and even 4-legged creatures.
Gina also is President of Gina's Corner at, which supplies top quality Herbalistic Power Nutritional supplements to others to start empowering themselves and taking control of their own life and bringing health and happiness back again. Gina has also done enormous amount of speaking engagements at a top hospital to individual groups.
Gina Kopera is living in Council Bluffs, Iowa with her family that I am devoted too, as well as a devotee of alternative medicine. In her spare time, Gina keeps her devoted passion alive, by improving the quality of life and teaching you how she saved her Life!
Make it a Great Day,
Gina Kopera M.H.
Thought for the Day: "The only way to have a friend is to be one." Ralph Waldo Emerson