gia combs-ramirez is an Advanced Energy Master, soul intuitive, energy healer, teacher of the healing arts, and writer. She has an international clientele for individual sessions where she specializes in business, health and personal/spiritual growth.
gia is also the cofounder of Crystalline Consciousness Technique, a new subtle energy protocol that radically changes how you heal, transform and create. She is currently writing Crystalline Consciousness: The Next Evolution in Human Energy. Her blog Science of Energy Healing explores living in Crytalline Consciousness.
Crystalline Consciousness Technique Classes: Become an Energy Master. Four levels of advanced energy work for healing, transforming and creating while experiencing rapid personal and spiritual growth. These classes are aligned with the new energy paradigm that is incoming to the planet.
"We live in a rapidly changing world. Whether you have been studying the predictions for 2012, have noticed the gifted children that are being born recently, or feel like everything on the planet, from the weather to technology, is changing by the second–it is immanently evident that we need new tools for adapting and thriving in this new world. Crystalline Consciousness Technique is such a tool. It's easy and safe for anyone to learn, yet powerful beyond comprehension."
Foundational to every class I teach is Level One of Crystalline Consciousness Technique. This class establishes a safe container from which to open, learn and grow.